LOL I didn't realize that Chris had already "let the cat out of the bag"

This is a project I started WAY back in like 2009 for the Mil Horse and tried to model myself/learn Hexagon and rigging in the process. I call it "War Pony Gear". Needless to say, I failed

I then turned to some folks I knew at Rendo at that time to help me out. We had a decent start but ran into more issues than we could handle. So it's sat on the back burner until I approached Chris and Paul about doing it with me about a month ago.
In tandem I also had started a coat set for the MH called "Warpaint" back then. By the time I was starting to get anywhere with it the DH2 came out and I started to convert it for the DH2. Then of course not long after that I moved to HW and Chris and I started Harry and I dropped my support of the DH2. Needless to say most of you know how crazy my life has been since I hooked up with HW so again this all got put on the back burner yet again.
SO long story short, Chris and Paul agreed to help me finally bring this product to fruition
I have a lot of ideas that will use MAT zones and transparencies, to make a lot of looks possible for this with the minimum work needed from Chris and Paul as I don't want them tied up more than necessary/that is part of the deal of them doing this with and for me. (THANK YOU Chris and Paul!!!!)
So these older WIP renders will give you some ideas of where this is headed. Yes we def like suggestions but we are pretty clear going forward on what the actual modeling will be, to minimize rigging/Chris and Paul's time on this.
Original War Pony Gear WIP on Mil Horse from 2009: (minus the Medicine Bag). Also the rope bridle will be thicker than this
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I used a lot of it anyway in my well known piece "Spirit Warrior" from 2011 (as well as other of my artworks):
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Same of my older smart props being used on Harry with my "Medicine Hat" and VERY rough Warpaint Med Hat coat. (not all are textured and a lot of the textures will be different/changed)
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A lot of the feathers will be props as well, so can be used in loads of different ways etc. Planning on having legbands for all legs so one can pick and choose and so on. These are VERY early WIP renders- a lot will change. But figured I would "come clean" on what we are up to with this