Darn can't rate it, five stars on this one@Chris ! As I was creating a toned female Dawn/Harry centaur...I suddenly CRAVED having Harry as TONED in an artistic way as Dawn (or Dusk) - something like what Boris Vallejo would do!!
Get it? Would it inspire you to do an add on for our Harry for that style?!?!
I made a start on a veins map, just not sure where I put it lolyep, muscles for the quarter horse and ribs for a racing thoroughbred!
ohh and I'd love it if someone would do a veins map for him too (hint hint CWRW)
I've always been a fan of Boris Vallejo's artwork.@Chris ! As I was creating a toned female Dawn/Harry centaur...I suddenly CRAVED having Harry as TONED in an artistic way as Dawn (or Dusk) - something like what Boris Vallejo would do!!Get it? Would it inspire you to do an add on for our Harry for this style?!?!
Awesome Lyne!! You can't go wrong with Boris or Julie Bell for that matter as far as body tone goes! Well, I'm rather fond of Luis Royo too, but yeah, sculpted Harry like Paul's sculpted Dusk would be cool!! Thinking you might be able to get some vein def with displacement mapping and well .......... would have to use a sculpting program for the muscle tone. I kind of played around with something using shading no sculpts with the dragon though. Please note ..... this is just a prototype those horns etc are all 2D@Chris ! As I was creating a toned female Dawn/Harry centaur...I suddenly CRAVED having Harry as TONED in an artistic way as Dawn (or Dusk) - something like what Boris Vallejo would do!!
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Get it? Would it inspire you to do an add on for our Harry for this style?!?!
Well, I will say it gives new meaning to the phrase "riding bareback!"I've always been a fan of Boris Vallejo's artwork.
I can certainly add a toned look to our Harry. Not sure it would still be enough though. To get a deep tone muscle definition with veins and such, one would have to create a high resolution sculpt in sub-D, then bake it into the existing mesh. That would be cool. Paul and I have done some experimenting with this years ago. We've had some suggest this is needed for all our figures for added realism. I always thought this would be a solid add-on by CAs, but that hasn't happened. There is certainly room to add this type of thing to our core figures. Just need to get there is all. Lots to juggle and prioritize.
Harry is a different mesh/UV to the Big Cat but I think all the hooved animals will be the same as Harry so could possibly "wear" the same displacement map. The Big Cat veins would most likely work on the House Cat and Dog (just not sure if the veins would be in the same place for each animal in real life but I don't think that would matter much).Just curious would a set of vascular maps work the same on Harry as they would on the Lion/Big Cat so that one map works for all kinda thing?