When you watch as much TV as I do (and frankly emotionally depend on it for my sanity, living the limited life I do).... and the TV SET DIES..... !!! Yikes!!
It was so weird! My 5 year old Samsung flat screen's picture suddenly got darker and darker...then it was GONE and it would not respond (like it's engine died!!) ... checked remote batteries, all outlets, etc... but it was deader than a doornail! I HAD used it almost NON-STOP for all these years, 24/7.... !
So, I HAD to move the TVs... and I did!! by using the cat carrier to slide my back up LG flat screen off the coffee table in the living room, and then scoot/pull the cat carrier to the TV table in the family room, then lever it up... (left the samsung in the same room tho, covered up) but I did it! I THINK my back will be ok.... :/
FYI- I had gotten the Samsung when the LG died fairly quickly after I got it, and the in home repair guy would not be coming for a week ....
But anyway, GOSH!- seeing my LG picture showed me that the Samsung had been REALLY going out for a while now, because my LG picture is just GORGEOUS! And this set is even bigger than the Samsung... but IF it were to go, I'd have to order a smaller TV that I could handle myself... But hopefully this one will be "LG reliable" since it was repaired by a true LG guy that came to the house and did it under warranty back then... plus I will be a good girl and TURN IT OFF when I leave the room, instead of letting it's screen saver and power off mode do it for me...
Anyway, where there's a will there's a way!!!