This is an older picture from 1977 showing Mom holding one of her "Babies", a White Faced Capuchin.
All total she owned 1 Spider monkey, 2 Cinnamon Capuchins, 1 White Faced Capuchin, 2 Marmosets, 2 Squirrel monkeys, 1 pig-tailed Macaque and 1 Stump Tailed Rhesus.
She got her first one when my sister bought one Squirrel monkey from a pet shop as a present.
She then bought the Rhesus, 3 months old, from a man who worked a carnival ans sat bragging how he used a stick and poked her in the rump for fun.
The Rhesus, Missy, became a big baby for mom but she sure gave me
The Stump-tail came from a young man who said he needed a sitter for a few weeks and told us he rescued it from a university that was experimenting on it.
Claimed it was mixed with chimp and it may have been because he got bigger than any Stump-tail known.
The young man never returned for him.
The others all came from the Simian society of STL who got them from people who bought them as pets and did not know how to care for them.
Monkeys are not like other pets and need different care, they can be dangerous too.