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Our real life pets


Considering how skilled our Lurcher is at removing things like bandages and a silly looking collar to make it more difficult, I suspect it would take us longer to put on than he would take to get it all off again.


Tsuki sleeping in her tiny box.

Her collar makes a great pillow ... and possibly blanket too.

View attachment 32271
They are now making artificial cats, they follow you around meowing constantly, they destroy toilet paper and knock everything off counter tops. They shred your furniture and get angry and scratch your face for no reason and you have to run over them at least nine times before they are dead....

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
A coworker has a cat who intentionally pushes things off tables, but so far, Tsuki has only done that with the battery candles if they are on the non working TV. She likes to sprawl out on top of the TV, so anything on it is in her way.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
This is the newest addition to my home. We went to the shelter yesterday and apparently the shelters adopt out so many animals here they ship them in from all over the country. This little guy was in Hawaii two days ago!

The image shows as broken. He's here if you want to see: http://www.anniemation.com/angus.JPG



RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
How cute! I think the problem is it's waaay too big for the forum.

Other pet images adorable too!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Janet, he is adorable. Poor thing is going to need to get used to colder weather!

Glitter, when she's awake, she's generally trying to get into something she's not supposed to. So when she's napping, I'm recovering! She's in the same box right now staring at me. Either that, or she's sleeping with her eyes open!


Contributing Artist
This is the newest addition to my home. We went to the shelter yesterday and apparently the shelters adopt out so many animals here they ship them in from all over the country. This little guy was in Hawaii two days ago!

The image shows as broken. He's here if you want to see: http://www.anniemation.com/angus.JPG

Oh, wow. He looks so much like our dog did when she was a puppy. She was the sweetest thing ever. I bet he'll be as loving as she was.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
So when my brother died about 4 years ago I took in his pets. A cattle collie named Emmy and a cat named Maggie. Emmy usually never ran off but one night about three months ago she slipped away when I closed the gate. She was hit by a car :( My dog Bobo who was adopted from the Humane Society about 10 years ago when he was 10 months old. Bobo was from a house foreclosure and had been abused. He was so upset when Emmy ran off and missed his friend. The first day the puppy was here Bobo totally ignored him. By the end of the second day he was all about the puppy. He's teaching the puppy how to be a good dog. Bobo even changed where he sleeps so he can sleep near the puppy. Having the puppy has been so good for Bobo! His confidence is going way way up! He even now likes car rides. Even a week ago it was always a battle to get him into the car, now he runs to the car and jumps right in!