It has been a busy day for me.
I worked on three sets of material files for the Bejeweled Horse sets Rae and I are doing.
And sorted through five large plastic totes to see what to keep and what to throw away.
Mom was a collector and somewhere along the line I collected stuff too, nothing valuable but we thought it might be needed someday.
It has been four years now since Mom has been gone and I still haven't sorted everything like I should, just so painful.
But out out the five totes I saved enough to fill about half a small tote.
The rest was mostly trash.
Strange that what seems so important to keep when you are younger is just trash when you get older.
A lot of the stuff was mine and I don't even remember why I thought it was needed.
I saved out one big box of soft sculpt dolls that I made in the eighties and through the years.
They will be given to my niece to do with as she wants, either to keep sell or give away.
My daughter had first choice and said she doesn't want them.
There is a total of eight or nine dolls in a larger size and at least five or six small dolls.
It is time for them to go, we need room more than we need them.
All that work has tired me out and made me very, very hungry.

Good thing my daughter is fixing dinner.