Well last night I had an experience with a rather small spider.
I really do not like them.
Once upon a time I would give out a really loud girly scream and run if I spied one of the critters.
However, there came a time when that ended real quick.
I had a small bedroom and a twin bed.
My bed was situated with the head against one wall and the side against another with the foot and other side free.
I was sitting with my back against the wall and pillows behind me for support while I worked on my computer stuff.
Somehow I felt a strange urge to roll my eyes to the side and there was a huge black spider just inches from my head.
Well I tell you I jumped, ran to my doorway and screeched!
You would think since there were others in the house someone would have heard and ran to my aid, but no!
I stood trembling in fear, and then anger set in, I have a nasty temper at times.
I glared at that critter and thought to myself,
"Why am I so afraid of that?
It is much smaller than me and it has no right to scare the be-jabbers out of me!" then I edged into the room.
I pointed my finger at it and in a very stern, angry voice said "Drop dead you stupid thing".
As I stood watching it slowly let loose of the wall and fell behind my bed.
I went to get a broom to smack it with and pulled my bed out from the wall.
But there that little sucker was with it's legs up in the air, dead.
And that little critter last night would not heed my warning when I told it to stop crawling across the ceiling, closer to my bed.
It paid the ultimate price because now I just smack the goo out of them or stomp the innards out of them.
I really do not like them.
Once upon a time I would give out a really loud girly scream and run if I spied one of the critters.
However, there came a time when that ended real quick.
I had a small bedroom and a twin bed.
My bed was situated with the head against one wall and the side against another with the foot and other side free.
I was sitting with my back against the wall and pillows behind me for support while I worked on my computer stuff.
Somehow I felt a strange urge to roll my eyes to the side and there was a huge black spider just inches from my head.
Well I tell you I jumped, ran to my doorway and screeched!
You would think since there were others in the house someone would have heard and ran to my aid, but no!
I stood trembling in fear, and then anger set in, I have a nasty temper at times.
I glared at that critter and thought to myself,
"Why am I so afraid of that?
It is much smaller than me and it has no right to scare the be-jabbers out of me!" then I edged into the room.
I pointed my finger at it and in a very stern, angry voice said "Drop dead you stupid thing".
As I stood watching it slowly let loose of the wall and fell behind my bed.
I went to get a broom to smack it with and pulled my bed out from the wall.
But there that little sucker was with it's legs up in the air, dead.
And that little critter last night would not heed my warning when I told it to stop crawling across the ceiling, closer to my bed.
It paid the ultimate price because now I just smack the goo out of them or stomp the innards out of them.