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Show Us Your HiveWire Big Cat Renders Here!


Busy Bee
Re : Skylab's lion with the cowboy hat on his tail, I can totally see this at the top of the Hivewire homepage- he is just so cute- with that devilish look of glee that my cat gets when he is up to something


I had a cat years ago that was forever up to something...so I got very accustomed to "that teasing look" of guilt mingled with mischief, and a swishing tail to top it off...haha.

I've been piddling with Clarence and his companion Judy the chimp. The chimp model is ancient so there's no way it can compare to the quality of the H-Lion...so I guess we need a H-Chimp :)



Thanks for your kindness Dreamer :)

I was in the mood to experiment with the possibility of recreating a famous lion logo in Poser...and I realize I can't complete the project because of copyright, but I just wanted to know if it could be done. Using the already created roar animation, I selected all the body parts and made them invisible, darkened the render background, and then in Poser 11 props there's an option for primitives...I selected the torus, and reduced the z-width so it wouldn't look so much like a big inner tube. After applying a material, the torus supplied the circle around the lion's head :)

lion- roar-logo.gif


Dances with Bees
Thanks for your kindness Dreamer :)

I was in the mood to experiment with the possibility of recreating a famous lion logo in Poser...and I realize I can't complete the project because of copyright, but I just wanted to know if it could be done. Using the already created roar animation, I selected all the body parts and made them invisible, darkened the render background, and then in Poser 11 props there's an option for primitives...I selected the torus, and reduced the z-width so it wouldn't look so much like a big inner tube. After applying a material, the torus supplied the circle around the lion's head :)

I had a similar idea a few pages back...
I modelled the ribbon and used a plane on its edge placed just behind the lion's head :flower02:


Oops Stezza, I missed that one :) You had a variation of the idea that I was envisioning...that is, to use a bee or bees in the logo. The original movie logo has a drama mask at the bottom surrounded by small vines, so I thought that a bee in the place of the drama mask would work. The only realistic bee that I have is an older model from DAZ. I wasn't quite sure what to do within the circle in regard to lettering...something having to do with the Hivewire Lion...the original logo is translated "Art for Art's Sake"...but I overall found I was out-punting my coverage...haha...I don't model all that well. I found some decorative objects on ShareCG that would probably have worked nicely, but Poser 11 doesn't play nice with .obj import now. That's why I used a primitive torus within Poser 11. Back when I was doing some beginner modeling, I used to pull things apart in Carrara since the interface was so user friendly for that. I haven't given up totally on the project yet, but I've got to ponder it awhile. I had to think a few days in order to get this far, and still be able to use the animation that had already been created.

Here are the decorative .obj models (links below) I was referring to. I'd have to pull them into Carrara or some other modeling program in order to reduce them because they import into Poser huge, so much so that it overwhelms my system and the show stops abruptly. The first two might work though if they were sized down, and placing bees on the flowers. I've not yet searched for possibilities for ribbons:

Ornament 02

Ornament 01

Ornament 03

Ornament 04


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
In the Jungle, the mighty Jungle,
the Lion sleeps tonight . . . .
In the Jungle, the mighty Jungle,
the Lion sleeps tonight . . . .

Well not This lion, and not in This Jungle. ;)

I was in the mood to do some rendering today, and that silly song was running through my head for hours, soooooo . . . here's our glorious Lion, and Dawn, on the hunt in an oldie but goodie environment set from DAZ called The Heart of the Jungle. Perfect, but I had to go hunting to see which Runtime I had it installed in, as I haven't used it in years. ;)

Click to see it full size.
