lovely render!
A few DuskSE images from this weekend. I did run into some trouble with morph dial shapes I'd made; some looked off until I dialed the old Dusk face back in. Also something about duplicate formulas. Other than that, he works great for me.
you all did great renders!
Dusk rendered in Daz Iray
A first, quick Superfly render of Dusk SE. A few dial spins but not many. And all HW products
(And yes my Rodrigo, Taka and Dante all work great with Dusk SE, though personally I do prefer the using the old head morph with them).
View attachment 24149
lovely render!
Lovely renders everyone!
My work flow is like this. I load the item but don't fit it to the character(Dawn or Dusk). I then use the translation dials to position it in place as Dawn and Dusk are slightly forward compared to other figures. I lower the mesh resolution and then send both the character and the clothing to zbrush. I normally use the move or move topological brush to move things into the right spot(symmetry on for most of this). Sometimes I use the move or rotate tool but for many things move does most of what you need. Before sending it back to DS I zero the clothing translation dials. Then I send it back to DS as a morph and call it something like DawnFix. Dial in the morph and then fit it to Dawn in the parameters tab. This will cause autofit to pop up. As the clothing is now the right shape I don't change the default on the top box, choose a projection template to suit the clothing and then click ok.
You sometimes need to fiddle around but that seems to work for most things. By using the original clothing figure you retain the morphs. I then save it as a figure/prop asset, I have a folder called converted clothing and I normally duplicate the mats and presets for it in the same folder.
Very rough description there but if you want to know more let me know and we could maybe start a thread in the DS forum for anyone who's interested in giving it a go. I did two outfits last weekend and I didn't actually spend a lot of time on the computer.
Thanks Me195, I will start the thread shortly...I have been working with Lorraine to find a process for others to legally use the morphs I've created, we started last night and it looks promising. Given that the only files I've supplied are dsf morph files and people need to own the actual outfit it's all legal too. I'll start a new thread sometime soon...That's kind of the work flow I expected, still amazing though. When I load clothing from Daz Studio or Poser into a 3d modeler with aspirations of making a proper clothing conversion it just seems so overwhelming. I'm always mystified by people who do it so easily.
I don't have the tools to follow along, but I am very interested in to know your workflow in more detail. My creations usually jump between Hexagon, Curvey 3d, Blacksmith3d, and Substance. However I often find that observing experts will inspire me to find new and better ways to use the tools I have. Plus there are a few people who are very interested in clothing conversion, and I known we would benefit from your knowledge. If you have the time to make it, I would definitely be interested in following that thread in the DS forum.
Thanks Me195, I will start the thread shortly...I have been working with Lorraine to find a process for others to legally use the morphs I've created, we started last night and it looks promising. Given that the only files I've supplied are dsf morph files and people need to own the actual outfit it's all legal too. I'll start a new thread sometime soon...
Thank you!nice portrait!![]()
Thanks miniessie and everyone else for enjoying my work!!!lovely!