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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


Recently eclark1894 and Glitterati3D both took the trouble to comment on one of my renders and among other things pointed out that my Dawn character was out of proportion. In particular the head was too big (something also leveled at me at times). Others pointed out some additional points that I need to rectify which I still need to do. I have however now modified my character and along the way made a few subtle facial changes, a few extra lines and a little softening of the features plus a new hair style. This is what I have now and I am not sure where, or if, I want to do any more at present.

Thanks to all that took the time to comment, you may not like the changes but at least it proves I did at least listen.

Revised body proportions can be seen in the "I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread"

Base Revision 2016.jpg

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Ha! Heads can never be too big! I did look at your latest render in "I just wanted to post" and ... I think I like your original version of your character better. Her head looks too small for her body now. Or rather her face looks too small. With the hair, you can't really tell the head/body proportion.

Then too ... quite a few of my characters are not in proportion. Most of them have bigger heads, hands, and feet. But, I'm not attempting to create typical humans. So ... I may not be the right person to listen to :p

Love your closeup.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I happen to agree with Satira. I don't think her head looked too big in the render everyone was commenting on.

As to this closeup, I like the skin texture with the lines around her eyes and mouth. Makes her look a little more mature, though not what I would called aged.
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Yep! Got to go with Rae, Satira and Miss B! Thats a lady who's been places, done the right things and won through against the odds! Shes a much more interesting character than most of the glamour babes we see for V4 (or most other versions) and someone I'd like to see in my Runtime! The hairstyle and lovely render sets her off perfectly too! :applause:


I am not qualified to comment on the proportions but I love her skin texture. I think it is the best one I have seen in a long time.

I can't take any credit for the textures as they are the Master Skin Resource 7 by 3Dream, although I have tweaked them very slightly in some areas. This time around I have also included the 'express yourself' morphs from Nightsong, as I love plating with expressions in general, and used sparingly they tend to support the textures. This allows you to add the odd line which, I feel, complements the texture.


I can't take any credit for the textures as they are the Master Skin Resource 7 by 3Dream, although I have tweaked them very slightly in some areas. This time around I have also included the 'express yourself' morphs from Nightsong, as I love plating with expressions in general, and used sparingly they tend to support the textures. This allows you to add the odd line which, I feel, complements the texture.

Whoops clearly not fully awake yet. I am not sure what 'plating expressions' is but I don't do that I like playing with expressions.


Recently eclark1894 and Glitterati3D both took the trouble to comment on one of my renders and among other things pointed out that my Dawn character was out of proportion. In particular the head was too big (something also leveled at me at times). Others pointed out some additional points that I need to rectify which I still need to do. I have however now modified my character and along the way made a few subtle facial changes, a few extra lines and a little softening of the features plus a new hair style. This is what I have now and I am not sure where, or if, I want to do any more at present.

Thanks to all that took the time to comment, you may not like the changes but at least it proves I did at least listen.

Revised body proportions can be seen in the "I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread"

Amazing image! I have a coworker that looks very much like her, great job!

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Recently eclark1894 and Glitterati3D both took the trouble to comment on one of my renders and among other things pointed out that my Dawn character was out of proportion. In particular the head was too big (something also leveled at me at times). Others pointed out some additional points that I need to rectify which I still need to do. I have however now modified my character and along the way made a few subtle facial changes, a few extra lines and a little softening of the features plus a new hair style. This is what I have now and I am not sure where, or if, I want to do any more at present.

Thanks to all that took the time to comment, you may not like the changes but at least it proves I did at least listen.

Revised body proportions can be seen in the "I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread"

I like her no matter which incarnation you choose to display. :) I love her face - and her eyes...