Also when you're a Daz user skin like this is really refreshing. Alot of the renders turn out too red. I feel like all my character spent way too much time at the beach without sunblock and they all came back with sunburn.Ahhhhhhh!
Well with Iray if you do get reddish skin it isn't so apparent. But you still can get skin that is more reddish than others if it has a high translucency setting by default. I also tend to be more excited by pale skin instead of tanned looking skin unless the details of the skin are super awesome. If you do a tanned skin with amazing texture and any imperfections such a moles and freckles are done right then yes I will be super excited to render it out and keep it in the finished image.If that's with Iray, then it sounds a lot like SuperFly in Poser, though EZSkin 3 is supposed to take care of things like that. I'm just not too familiar (other than the basics) with either of them, so still learning.
@Gadget Girl Cool outfit! Do you make it all dynamic, or just parts of it to speed things up! ^^
I bought the bundle back in 2009 when I was still buying a fair number of April's hair products, and I doubt I paid the $70+ they're asking for it now. Of course, I'm no longer a PC+ member though it's not a PC+ product, but I may have gotten it when it first came out, so there was probably at least a 30% sale price when it was new, which would've brought the price down much lower.I don't know how much the pack is but this hair by itself is $21 USD so makes it out of my price range (even unconverted ) Hopefully it will go on one of their sales