• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do


Contributing Artist
Glassy horsies! Did you use the backlight shader on the hair?
no, the shader for the hair is the normal Iray shader, I just used opacity at... maybe 50%? And they should be more watery than glassy but that is difficult to differentiate. It has a refraction for water though. I could turn up the refraction even more, but then they would become quite transparent and much of the effect would be lost. I might do different refraction styles though. Still at the beginning of things.


Contributing Artist
left normal right high refraction comparison.jpg

to give an idea how the shift of light changes the texture. The left horse has a refraction map with a fairly medium grey to black for the water reflection effect. The right horse has a fully cranked up reflection and the refraction map to a very light grey, meaning it is highly transparent. The purple color in the right horse is purely due to the refraction. Personally I like the left shader better, it seems to me more watery. I might consider turning down on the green translucency though.


The cute little Whisper wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!

(continued in Show Us Your HiveWire House Cat Renders Here! )


HiveWire Whisper by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D
HiveWire Horse by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D

Poinsettia by Lisa Botanicals & LaurieS (no longer available)

Frosted Flakes by hauksdottir at FaerieWylde
png_files_bars_and_baubles from RDB forum and ebs

Whisper of Christmas
Whisper of Christmas.jpg


Contributing Artist

Hippogryph testrender
This is just a preliminary, the texture is still in its initial stages. I still need to think about the tail, and there will be feathers on the neck to add a bit of fluff. I hope to make part of the additional feathers d-force but I don't know yet whether it will work.
The horse texture is applied on a geoshell, which means it is easy to change the horse body texture. The feet are wearables, as is the head. The wings do not belong to the set. I think there are enough wings available, like the wings for the HiveWireHorse that it is not necessary to add another set.


Contributing Artist
I like the head a lot. It would certainly be easier to work with than my Frankencritter.
:D I hope so too. But getting the textures to merge seamlessly is a bit of a tough load :( C4D is playing silly bugger with me at the moment. But I'll get there.


Frost forms such exquisite patterns! I thought it made a wonderful setting for a unicorn.


HiveWire Unicorn by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D

Flink's Ice Crystals by Flink at Renderosity
Legends of Fantasy by Susan Justice (formerly McKivergan) at Renderosity
Fantasy Mystic Backgrounds by vanda51 - Vanda Mata at Renderosity
Public Domain Photo from pxhere

Winter Frost
Winter Frost.jpg