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Our real life pets


I think two years or so.

That doesn't seem very long. My Gran has some goldfish and they are all over 10 years old, and two of them are 14 years! She has them in a very big tank and keeps the numbers of fish in it down so they all have plenty of room to swim around, and lots of little cave things for them to hide in when they are feeling stressed or just want to be alone. Gran spends lots of money on her goldfish and reads up (actual real books, shelves full of them!) all she can on them. When we were younger we weren't allowed put our grubby little hands into the tank water to tickle the fish, in case they got poisoned from chocolate or sweet residue or other stuff. She still lost a few over the years, would spend a pile of money on making the sick ones get better but they usually died anyway. But apart from that, it all seems to work and now she has some nice big plump and old goldfish.


Contributing Artist
Thanks so much for all the cool explanations! And the wonderful photos. You know, from the context, I thought it was less specific. It's so cool to know more of the history of the type/breed and their relationship with people.


Thanks so much for all the cool explanations! And the wonderful photos. You know, from the context, I thought it was less specific. It's so cool to know more of the history of the type/breed and their relationship with people.

No problem, glad to help and thank you for suggesting I might like to explain further, I tend to forget just how far and wide the forum members are spread.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Love the photo with the dog legs sticking out of the trees!

I never knew fish could live so long.

I had a pet rat. It was my son's but he left for a couple of months so I took care of his pet rat. At first I would barely stick my fingers in his cage to feed him. After a couple months we were best buds. I tried to let him sleep with me one night but he kept biting my feet so back in his cage he went. Amazingly my cats knew he was part of the pack and never went after him. He only lived to be two years old though.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
The girl who gave him to my son had lots of rats and mice. She said she had some that lived to be 10. Dunno. The night he died, he opened his cage came into the living room where the three of us were watching TV and went up to each one of us, then to the dog, then to each cat and stayed for a few minutes. It was like he was saying goodbye to everyone. Rats are smart.


.....The night he died, he opened his cage came into the living room where the three of us were watching TV and went up to each one of us, then to the dog, then to each cat and stayed for a few minutes. It was like he was saying goodbye to everyone. Rats are smart.

I can believe that. I think most animals are smart and more clued up on nature than people. We had a dog and he had to be put to sleep when I was about seven. We all took him to the vets and he just knew what was happening, but he seemed to be content that all his family were there with him at the end.
Still, it was a heartbreaking experience for me and I don't like thinking about it even now after ten years. :(


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
My cat Zad is 16 years old. Of all my 3 cats he was always the most adventurous. When we moved up here about 3 years ago my other kitties were hiding anywhere they could find a spot but Zad was out walking around checking out the new place. He loves to go outside so I used to put him on a harness and let him sit out in the yard when I was outside. So my new house in Washington is out in the middle of nowhere, very rural area. But go over the hill at the front of the house there's a road. So I used to let him out and always tell him "put on your watch! 15 minutes Zad!" And he was always waiting at the back door in no more than 30 minutes, usually within 15! Very smart cat! So I went out to check on him a few weeks ago and he was on the hill between my house and the road so he was grounded. It's been a few weeks since he was let outside so I let him outside again today and went to check on him, he was in the back of the house eating grass so I told him 5 more minutes. Went back out 5 minutes later and he was right there!


My cat Zad is 16 years old. Of all my 3 cats he was always the most adventurous. When we moved up here about 3 years ago my other kitties were hiding anywhere they could find a spot but Zad was out walking around checking out the new place. He loves to go outside so I used to put him on a harness and let him sit out in the yard when I was outside. So my new house in Washington is out in the middle of nowhere, very rural area. But go over the hill at the front of the house there's a road. So I used to let him out and always tell him "put on your watch! 15 minutes Zad!" And he was always waiting at the back door in no more than 30 minutes, usually within 15! Very smart cat! So I went out to check on him a few weeks ago and he was on the hill between my house and the road so he was grounded. It's been a few weeks since he was let outside so I let him outside again today and went to check on him, he was in the back of the house eating grass so I told him 5 more minutes. Went back out 5 minutes later and he was right there!
I know from experience my parrots can tell time, wow cats too?


I seen the cutest dog ever yesterday. It's an American Pocket Bully and is about the same height as a Staffy but much wider. There are only a few in Ireland for now, and the one I seen yesterday is similar to the one in this picture:



Contributing Artist
I just don't like the cropped ears (the same with the Great Danes and Dobies where they crop them and make them stand up)


I'm not too fond of cropped ears either as they make dogs look a bit evil to me, but if I was pre-booking a Pocket Bully pup I would ask the breeder to leave the ears alone. The one I seen at the barbecue yesterday had the full ears and he looked nice. He was all head and chest, we were throwing sausages and bits of steak and he was catching them in his really huge mouth!
Just found this thread - so gotta post :) Heres the famous Benji - "officially" he's not mine but belongs to one of the ladys I look after.
She can't walk that far, so I get the pleasure of walkies ;)

we also have 3 cats, K4 -who's only got three pins after an accident, Bonnie - who hates humans - and Diva -because she is!

BTW- bonnie2001 -if the pocket bully is an American Pitbull it's possibly not surprising there's not many in Ireland. That's because the American Pitbull is a banned breed on the UK mainland. Get caught with one and for the pooch it's a one way trip to the vets and generally a trip to jail for the owner.

The Staffi (one of the UK's most popular breeds) also nearly ended up on that list as well...
Staffie BAN: MPs to debate adding Staffordshire Bull Terriers to dangerous dogs list
...fortunately for the breed it didn't happen.


  • DOGGIE.jpg
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Just found this thread - so gotta post :) Heres the famous Benji - "officially" he's not mine but belongs to one of the ladys I look after.
She can't walk that far, so I get the pleasure of walkies ;)

we also have 3 cats, K4 -who's only got three pins after an accident, Bonnie - who hates humans - and Diva -because she is!

BTW- bonnie2001 -if the pocket bully is an American Pitbull it's possibly not surprising there's not many in Ireland. That's because the American Pitbull is a banned breed on the UK mainland. Get caught with one and for the pooch it's a one way trip to the vets and generally a trip to jail for the owner.

The Staffi (one of the UK's most popular breeds) also nearly ended up on that list as well...
Staffie BAN: MPs to debate adding Staffordshire Bull Terriers to dangerous dogs list
...fortunately for the breed it didn't happen.

While it is good that the law on banning Stafford Bull Terriers was dropped it is a sad fact that, as noted in the article you linked to, they are one of the most abandoned breeds and most rescue centers have more than they would like. They are often difficult to re-home, not because there is anything wrong the the dogs, but because they are often associated with the wrong type of owner. This leaves potential new owners having to take into account of the stigma associated with the breed and some would rather not take the risk. Of course they are not alone as there is also great difficulties in re-homing older dogs who have nothing wrong with them except they have grown old.

Rather than spend time banning any breed of dogs I would much rather ban the sale of dogs over the Internet which irresponsible low lives ( I refuse to call them breeders) use to sell puppies, often too young, of ill health or both. If more people would take a tour of their local rescue center and adopt from there rather than spending around ten times the amount on a 'designer' dog then whole situation would be a lot better.