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WIP MEC4D - Creations for Dawn 2 and Dusk 2 , work in progress


Contributing Artist
I was already wondering where you go , or maybe got unsubscribed , funny thing I was thinking about you when I posted the horse stuff today , I guess you received the waves ! lol
nice to see you back , thanks Rae !
I was away visiting my sick mum with no computer access. :)

Can't wait to see him with some veins, definitely something I was really missing in a racehorse render I did once upon a time.

I love the Arab morph we have for Harry as that's the kind I grew up with (a friend had Endurance Arabs and that's kind a what they were built like) but I'd love to see a version with todays "seahorse" head (that's what I call the extreme head they have because that's what they remind me of hahaha)


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I was away visiting my sick mum with no computer access. :)

Can't wait to see him with some veins, definitely something I was really missing in a racehorse render I did once upon a time.

I love the Arab morph we have for Harry as that's the kind I grew up with (a friend had Endurance Arabs and that's kind a what they were built like) but I'd love to see a version with todays "seahorse" head (that's what I call the extreme head theymuch mane have because that's what they remind me of hahaha)
Sorry to hear your mom is sick , I hope you both at last had some nice time together !

The veins and details come on the last layer .
There is many kinds of the Arab horses , the original Arab that I train on don't had that specific sea horse head, only the Egyptian Arabian horse , they are also smaller than my Jet or Harry , I called it Sea horse too, very cartoonish look but not as much as the latest breed. Since horses can't bread using their mouth, I wonder where it is going with the breed latelly, just for pet to look at ? because they would probably die on a more heavy training or if they get problem with sinuses . Probably the reason their nostrils are so wide open to gain more oxygen , I have mixed feelings about that newest "seahorse" breed, it is getting over the line , all just for the look like with some dogs and cats for amusing of spoiled rich people that like to show off . For that reason I am not sure I want to contribute with this artificial new breed shapes. Nasty business and there is a lot of concerned people about that lately.

If I change the ears a little bit and make them much higher, my Jet could be also the Golden Horse breed , aka the Akhal-Teke breed and very rare, they have silky metallic coats and come in many color variations, they have spare mane , almost the same height that Harry maybe 1 hand taller but very slender and lean like Jet. Below some Golden Horse pic

the last pic is Jet .. the original Thoroughbred , I think only a specialist can see the differences beside the shiny metallic coat that only Golden Horses have it, because the first pic of the horse and the last one looks like the same breed but they are not. Thoroughbred have beautiful manes Golden Horses not.

I wish I could use DS HD Morphs on the JCMs , it would make it into perfection when the muscle could contract by the movement and veins pop-up and skin folds automatic , but even if I could , it would be limited to DS only, I still can do it to some level and adding fine details with maps and materials and make it working on all platforms.


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Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
First is the noble Arabian horse I grow up around , second pic the new breed an alpaca headed mutant aka "seahorse" , probably they used the Egyptian Arabian breed to make it . They are just for the show .. I think it is sad and should be not even be called Arabian no more , too far from the original breed.


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Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Kath did you do an icon that says rendered in IRAY? I searched but couldn't find it. Seem to remember it was you that created those. If so could I get a copy?
Alisa just shared the link with you .. personally I just use render with Iray and earazed the rest as it is not relevant , DS don't render, iray do so credits should go for the engine .
BTW talking about rendering, there may be a better, proper and faster way soon to render stuff in Poser using Superfly , but that is all I can say for now... finger crossed

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Loving the new Jet! Harry is based more on the Morgan and Quarter horse, which are beautiful, stocky strong fellows! Jet is very refined, and I can see the more European influence in him. I love the Muscle morphs! The HD version that was done at the other place was not pretty... This is only going to make Harry even better! I think it would work well for a Miniature Horse base, too!


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Loving the new Jet! Harry is based more on the Morgan and Quarter horse, which are beautiful, stocky strong fellows! Jet is very refined, and I can see the more European influence in him. I love the Muscle morphs! The HD version that was done at the other place was not pretty... This is only going to make Harry even better! I think it would work well for a Miniature Horse base, too!
That's correct ! Morgan horses are tall as well but less lean with more thicker skin so you see less define muscles as they both weigh almost the same while Morgan horses have heavier stronger bones , Morgan horses don't belong on the racing tracks for that reason I make Jet. DAZ Quarter horse HD looks too plastic for my liking , I have the original one but never used it again after Harry was born , I believe Chris modeled the DAZ Quarter horse base if I am not wrong ,but the HD not , the horse anatomy veins do not pop up where people want , it is all specific to location , I have the veins anatomy guide for that.
I would not get too crazy with the muscles and veins setting on Harry as too much would turns it into hybrid . A better diffuse map and proper specular setting for Harry will do the trick better and Laurie is working on that updates as we speak , so Harry will be refreshed and looking on his best again.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Alisa just shared the link with you .. personally I just use render with Iray and earazed the rest as it is not relevant , DS don't render, iray do so credits should go for the engine .
BTW talking about rendering, there may be a better, proper and faster way soon to render stuff in Poser using Superfly , but that is all I can say for now... finger crossed
Ohhhh sounds intriguing!


Contributing Artist
I love AT's! the greyhound of the horse word :)

Yeah, I'd like some of the seahorse look but not quite that extreme as the last horse you posted, that's way overboard, I still want a functional but pretty horse.
Prob have to go back 30 or 40 years ago to find one tho like Khemosabi, typey head while still being functional.



Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I love AT's! the greyhound of the horse word :)

Yeah, I'd like some of the seahorse look but not quite that extreme as the last horse you posted, that's way overboard, I still want a functional but pretty horse.
Prob have to go back 30 or 40 years ago to find one tho like Khemosabi, typey head while still being functional.

View attachment 69459

You can go with the Egyptian Arabian horse that have the original natural head type you like as they are very old breed and there is around 6000 still of them pure like you showing in the picture, they are beautiful and rare , going back to thousands of years to ancient Egypt , people say it is the oldest preserved breed in the world and their genetic makeup are all intact.
they are the ballerinas of the horses ... very elegant but was used to be a warhorses back in time , in a harsh conditions of the Arabian desert

Below Straight Egyptian Arabian horse pure breed


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Contributing Artist
First is the noble Arabian horse I grow up around , second pic the new breed an alpaca headed mutant aka "seahorse" , probably they used the Egyptian Arabian breed to make it . They are just for the show .. I think it is sad and should be not even be called Arabian no more , too far from the original breed.
Is it wrong that I really like that little cutie! I'm not really a horse person so different horse breeds is nice but not as inspiring for me but this little cutie inspires me.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Is it wrong that I really like that little cutie! I'm not really a horse person so different horse breeds is nice but not as inspiring for me but this little cutie inspires me.
Mother instinct Pen , I don't hate this little guy , just feel sorry for it and would like to have it and care for it, he looks like needs a lot of love .. I just think it is not ethical for them to produce things like that , I will make the Straight Egyptian Arabian set as well so you will have your little cutie , but healthy one, and they are not less lovely .


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Busy Bee
First is the noble Arabian horse I grow up around , second pic the new breed an alpaca headed mutant aka "seahorse" , probably they used the Egyptian Arabian breed to make it . They are just for the show .. I think it is sad and should be not even be called Arabian no more , too far from the original breed.
I so agree- it is animal cruelty to breed for that ultradish face.
I am really happy that you won't be perpetuating the idea that it is beautiful!

Quote re modern Arab show breeding:

Adele Waters, the editor of Veterinary Record, said that every professional vet she had shown the images to had found them shocking.

She said: “My first thoughts were, ‘Is this the work of CGI trickery?’ Many specialist horse vets have had a similar reaction. But the truth is this is a real horse and it has been bred to meet the demands of a particular market that likes a particular appearance. Where will it end? Is it really so bad for a horse to look like a horse and not a cartoon character?”

Waters questioned the morality of such fashion-led breeding, in the wake of similar fears over the health and welfare of flat-nosed dog breeds such as bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs.

“The real original Arabian horse’s head was very beautiful but they are now being bred purely for that [concave] look. There is no functional value in a horse having a face like that. Vets believe that if you distort the skull like that there’s a risk you affect the airways and the breathing capacity of the horse.”

And yes, I shared a pic of a breed from India, that, like Arabs, were bred originally for desert toughness. We were lucky enough to board two at my grandfather's farm- elegant but tough as nails!


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I so agree- it is animal cruelty to breed for that ultradish face.
I am really happy that you won't be perpetuating the idea that it is beautiful!

Quote re modern Arab show breeding:

Adele Waters, the editor of Veterinary Record, said that every professional vet she had shown the images to had found them shocking.

She said: “My first thoughts were, ‘Is this the work of CGI trickery?’ Many specialist horse vets have had a similar reaction. But the truth is this is a real horse and it has been bred to meet the demands of a particular market that likes a particular appearance. Where will it end? Is it really so bad for a horse to look like a horse and not a cartoon character?”

Waters questioned the morality of such fashion-led breeding, in the wake of similar fears over the health and welfare of flat-nosed dog breeds such as bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs.

“The real original Arabian horse’s head was very beautiful but they are now being bred purely for that [concave] look. There is no functional value in a horse having a face like that. Vets believe that if you distort the skull like that there’s a risk you affect the airways and the breathing capacity of the horse.”

And yes, I shared a pic of a breed from India, that, like Arabs, were bred originally for desert toughness. We were lucky enough to board two at my grandfather's farm- elegant but tough as nails!
I read this statement before , so true , I was thinking at first it was a bad CGI misfit when I came across it on internet, I was thinking to myself : it can't be real, but sadly it was.

Wow you lucky to have this horses at your grandfather's farm , never saw them in person , they are rare as well . I don't remember the breed my grandpa had since I was little but they were heavy set horses , working in the fields of Tabaco plantage and on Sunday bringing everyone to the church lol I love to spent my summers on the farm, my father's side family had a lot of farms back then and of course a farm without a horses was not a farm.

Funny right ? you would expect the horses to be fragile because of the elegant look, and they are the strongest survivors and as you said tough as nails, same for Arabs .. My country breed Arabian horses since 1600's after the Turks' war , the Arabian horse was left over in my country after they lost the battle , but that is not only one kind we produce , my country has fixation on horses as they are a part of our history. Sadly today riding a horse is a privilege