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WIP MEC4D - Creations for Dawn 2 and Dusk 2 , work in progress


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Even though I have horrible allergies to cats I think they are beautiful animals and love their purring but yea, hairless cats, a species that will lay on top of a heater in the summer, must be very cold. So it's no wonder they are so friendly, they need to be so they can get close to another being for the warmth!


Busy Bee
I have the impression cats are ALWAYS cold for some reason. Nonetheless, that was in Arizona - one of the hottest places in the US. The perfect place for cats to wander naked and shock everyone. LOL
Cats normal body temp is significantly higher than ours is.

Brrr: It's Cold! Understand Your Cat's Natural Body Temperature

I appreciate seeing how many people here are disturbed by animals being bred for a trait that is pleasing to some people- but detrimental to the health of the animal itself- like the brachycephalic cats and dogs.

Another one, that i was happy to not see added to the house cat model was the Scottish Fold-adorably cute- but the cartilage failure that results in the folded ears- is the same cartilage in the joints. Many Vet's feel that most of these cats live in constant pain with every move they make.
Here's a link to vets asking for the breeding of these cats to be banned:
Should Scottish fold cats be banned?


Contributing Artist
Cats normal body temp is significantly higher than ours is.

Thanks for the info! I didn't know that, but now it makes sense. ;)

Another one, that i was happy to not see added to the house cat model was the Scottish Fold-adorably cute- but the cartilage failure that results in the folded ears- is the same cartilage in the joints.

Darn, that's the national cat in Japan, just like the Golden Retriever is the national dog in the US. I believe Japan has the highest population of cats in the world, and even the famous cat island. According to a national survey that was done in Japan a few years ago, about 75% of the national internet bandwidth is spent on cat photos and videos. I think Japan is the most cat-ified country in the world, where eventually, there might be more cats than people as the population keeps going down.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Hey! I saw this and thought of you, Cath:

Would be awesome outfits!
Beautiful , I had once the boots with the hair in possession ..
definitely ! thanks for sharing ! added to the list

Right now I have avalanche of work , my own work and very important commission work
not even thinking about anything else as I am overloaded.
After my commission work is done I will be back with some previews of my own work in progress again.
Plus I have to redo most of my promos for my DS products that use DSON as well as I am moving them to my Rendo store , I need 48h day .
I love to be creative but redoing promos for older products is so pleasant as washing dishes for me lol

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I know what you mean about re-dos. Anything you have to re-do is tiring, because your brain says that you have already "done" that!

Good luck and smooth sailing with your work! Look forward to when you are back!


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Thank you @Dakorillon (IMArts) , please keep posting if you find anything interested.. I am here even if not posting my stuff ..
once the new figures rigging is final it will get fast and smooth .. and I want to make as much products as possible in any genre and I prefer as always the unique one and more difficult to make to challenge myself .
same to everyone else of course !
:balloon03: :thankyou:


I so agree- it is animal cruelty to breed for that ultradish face.
I am really happy that you won't be perpetuating the idea that it is beautiful!

Quote re modern Arab show breeding:

Adele Waters, the editor of Veterinary Record, said that every professional vet she had shown the images to had found them shocking.

She said: “My first thoughts were, ‘Is this the work of CGI trickery?’ Many specialist horse vets have had a similar reaction. But the truth is this is a real horse and it has been bred to meet the demands of a particular market that likes a particular appearance. Where will it end? Is it really so bad for a horse to look like a horse and not a cartoon character?”

Waters questioned the morality of such fashion-led breeding, in the wake of similar fears over the health and welfare of flat-nosed dog breeds such as bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs.

“The real original Arabian horse’s head was very beautiful but they are now being bred purely for that [concave] look. There is no functional value in a horse having a face like that. Vets believe that if you distort the skull like that there’s a risk you affect the airways and the breathing capacity of the horse.”

And yes, I shared a pic of a breed from India, that, like Arabs, were bred originally for desert toughness. We were lucky enough to board two at my grandfather's farm- elegant but tough as nails!
You'll end up with the horse version of a Pug, like you said.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Another one, that i was happy to not see added to the house cat model was the Scottish Fold-adorably cute- but the cartilage failure that results in the folded ears- is the same cartilage in the joints. Many Vet's feel that most of these cats live in constant pain with every move they make.
Here's a link to vets asking for the breeding of these cats to be banned:
Should Scottish fold cats be banned?
Poor cat. Sadly, animals become Fashion accessoires for many "celebrities , Instagram stars ".
When I was still on FB, years ago , I had a flaming war with people who post videos from their dogs while they teach them to walk on 2 legs , forced them into ridiculous outfits and parade . Animal cruelty as its best. First of all this is absolute not natural for dogs to walk on two legs. And than ask your question ,how did they get forced to do this? Because by their own, for sure they would never "parade" like this.
I was reported for "hateful " comments and banned for 3 days. :mad:

I grow up with dogs and had through my whole live time dogs on my side. And as a big animal lover and dog friend , I would never do this to my fur friends and call it love.
I would love to see you guys develop a morph or character for Dawn of an ancient lady like this:
Screen Shot 2021-05-23 at 7.41.35 PM.png
I would love to see you guys develop a morph or character for Dawn of an ancient lady like this: View attachment 69822
Characters like this are far more interesting than all the pinup babes and beefcake models that are a dime a dozen in the galleries....give me someone who has CHARACTER! This old lady, I bet, has all kinds of stories to tell!

She could give DAZ3d's Mrs. Chow a run for her money, in my opinion :)


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
The older versions of the characters are coming in own time , most of the shapes and morphs I see give me an impression of a Younger person with a lot of wrinkles on top of it ( premature aging) , missing the base anatomy what really make a person old, and that are not just wrinkles . The process of aging starting deep under the skin and skull , and the rest outside just follows.
I am going to have proper aging shapes for the collection once the figures are released, specifically to ethnicity and gender .

I adore your enthusiasm but Mrs.Chow was in another age category compared to your preview, more of a doughter , and I don't see it as a competition to anything we doing here, so better to be left alone . The goal here is to make stuff what people really need and want to use in their Artworks , something they can't find elsewhere, something unique and done differently , I like to stay ahead of the game , if you know what I am talking about and I am very confident in what I am doing. ;)


Busy Bee
I know you are busy with other stuff, but you once asked for ideas we would like to see, so I thought I'd post this great outfit! The cool thing is, with different textures and hat, it could work well as a swashbuckler too, so not really too niche!


  • 202274184_4438117659554946_647633080132524498_n.jpg
    227.9 KB · Views: 225


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I know you are busy with other stuff, but you once asked for ideas we would like to see, so I thought I'd post this great outfit! The cool thing is, with different textures and hat, it could work well as a swashbuckler too, so not really too niche!
That's great keep posting , is that not Kozak outfit ? (Cossack) from Ukraine ? as it looks familiar
I have already kind of swashbuckler clothing in making BTW , but this one is unique , it would be nice to have a pair of it from the times for both figures.
Thanks for sharing ..
Yes I am in the middle of a lot of work , not just for my own releases and it is going to be like that for a while , the true work just started so until things are not ready not going to share much .


Contributing Artist
There is a resemblance between that Cossack garment and the ones worn by southern Brazilian "Gauchos" here where I live. The major cultural inheritance is from Italy and Germany, so there doesn't seem to be a relationship, but my grand-grandparents came from Kiev, Ukraine. How curious.



Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
There is a resemblance between that Cossack garment and the ones worn by southern Brazilian "Gauchos" here where I live. The major cultural inheritance is from Italy and Germany, so there doesn't seem to be a relationship, but my grand-grandparents came from Kiev, Ukraine. How curious.

The boots and the pants definitely , Kozak means boots in Polish language. But the real reason behind their name was Goats lol