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WIP MEC4D - Creations for Dawn 2 and Dusk 2 , work in progress


Busy Bee
To get back to the art here... Looking at the full body comparisons, I am really excited to see the development of the muscles in the hindquarters and forequarters in Jet, compared to Harry. the new detailing on the knees is also so well done!

And as for 'working' modern Arabians, we see a lot in endurance events, in fact, Arabs and their crosses can be said to dominate the sport. They have always looked remarkably different than their show horse relatives.
here is Tiki Barber, a successful full Arab x- race horse and endurance ride performer. The differences in profile and confirmation are telling.


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Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
To get back to the art here... Looking at the full body comparisons, I am really excited to see the development of the muscles in the hindquarters and forequarters in Jet, compared to Harry. the new detailing on the knees is also so well done!

And as for 'working' modern Arabians, we see a lot in endurance events, in fact, Arabs and their crosses can be said to dominate the sport. They have always looked remarkably different than their show horse relatives.
here is Tiki Barber, a successful full Arab x- race horse and endurance ride performer. The differences in profile and confirmation are telling.
That is true , not all Arabs have the seahorse head , you have the noble Arabs, Polish Arabs, Egyptians and many many others with different features. Horse is not equal another horse as humans are not equal to another human. We just idealizing stuff to make a label and go with that.

Thanks D , the knee detailing is something interesting , it appears mostly in horses with less thick skin , that why Harry have it more rounded what is not wrong at all .. now I came across a problem, the knee looks the way I made it but when moved the legs it should get smoother, so I have to make JCM for that effect as it is not stationary feature and just in some position , I still working on the big details so many stuff is not yet the way it should or will be , it is slowly building up the details as I did with the chimp .. plus I do not make the coat build in so it may looks little different , it gonna be another morph feature that can be used when only diffuse is used, and for real hair set it can be set off .. so this way horse don't turns into teddy bear plush when using "fur" hair and lose on details.
I study very much lately each elements back and forth as I have only one shot to go.. it need to be perfect and Laurie keeps an eye on stuff in case I forgot something in the process , it is gonna be good .
I prefer doing humans , but this is a new learning curve for me and very interesting to learn things I never stopped to think about before, totally new experiences, sine I am starting to see details I never payed attention too .


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Sorry guys, it is quiet I know,
I am busy with the work behind the stage .. lots of things
busy making all the work in progress into workable final products !
the weather is bad so working all the holidays long weekend to save time because nothing else to do and my hubby got called to work too :(

I Hope you doing well and for those that celebrate "Happy Memorial Day Weekend"


It's one the reasons I find pugs sad! They have been bread to the extent they have breathing issues their entire lives. It's sad and pisses me off that HUMANS are behind this travesty of a breed! :mad: :cry::mad::cry::mad:
I feel the same about flat-faced Persian cats. They have breathing and eye issues, which is a shame to breed an animal with those difficulties and is cruel in my mind. I don't even think they look good. :cry:


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I feel the same about flat-faced Persian cats. They have breathing and eye issues, which is a shame to breed an animal with those difficulties and is cruel in my mind. I don't even think they look good. :cry:
using Lab or selection , they are still genetically modified on purpose to the point they become deformed and sick .


Contributing Artist
Same with the hairless cat phenomenon. It's disturbing to me to no end!

A friend of mine had an Egyptian "naked" cat who would climb to my shoulders and wrap around my neck like a scarf. I never saw a cat do something like that, especially to a completely stranger, but again, I had also never seen a naked cat before. I was feeling special, but then I noticed he did that to everyone. LOL


A friend of mine had an Egyptian "naked" cat who would climb to my shoulders and wrap around my neck like a scarf. I never saw a cat do something like that, especially to a completely stranger, but again, I had also never seen a naked cat before. I was feeling special, but then I noticed he did that to everyone. LOL
Naked...maybe it was cold and wanted your body heat! :D



Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Actually, I think that the hairlessness may have been a spontaneous mutation (like the short legs of the Munchkin breed). Apart from the fact that they can get sunburn, it doesn't appear to have a negative effect upon their health. Inbreeding to maintain the mutation might, down the road, though.

Yeah, they do look pretty bizarre, but they don't know they look strange and just act like cats.


Contributing Artist
Naked...maybe it was cold and wanted your body heat! :D


I have the impression cats are ALWAYS cold for some reason. Nonetheless, that was in Arizona - one of the hottest places in the US. The perfect place for cats to wander naked and shock everyone. LOL


I've heard that hairless cats are exceptionally friendly and are ideal for people that have allergies to cat dander. And it doesn't effect their health, which is what I have the biggest problem with. My husband was in a customer's home (he's a cable guy) and pet a hairless cat. He said it was very friendly and very soft, strangely. LOL


Contributing Artist
I've heard that hairless cats are exceptionally friendly and are ideal for people that have allergies to cat dander.

"Mr. Biggles" was the only Egyptian hairless cat I had ever seen, and he was SUPER friendly. The moment he saw me the first time, he came straight to me and laid on my lap. He would climb to my shoulders and lick my face. That's quite "un-cat-ly" if you know what I mean. No wonder the ancient Egyptians loved them so much, painting them on their walls, sculpted them on murals, and made statues of them. Very different from other cats I have met, and I have scars to prove it. :p