There is an old argument I have received from content creators of fantasy characters that "It is a fantasy figure and therefore what is right or wrong way of making it">A manticore and a sphinx would be cool. The manticore might be iffy because of the triple rows of teeth. Not sure how one would fit that into a supposedly human shaped mouth (still, no one ever said the head was in scale). And for that matter, who ever got close enough to see that there were *three* rows of teeth and lived to tell the tale?
Oh they're still usable, but veeeeeery long in the tooth.
Lately someone over on DAZ has started offering sets of flat and curved background images in Studio format. Things like Cityscapes, or mountain scapes. Theirs seem typically to have a water ground plane.
Something like that ought not to be difficult to create (theirs use transmaps so they aren;t rectangular in use. They have properly irregular skylines). I think they are designed to be used as backdrops *inside* a skydome. With a decent ground plane you could build pretty much any kind of environment.
Of course one can also wait in hope for a DS-compliant version of the Terradome. (Poser users don't have to wait.)
this is cool but one thing needs to be remembered the sabertooth or of the smilodon species of the animal was twice as large as a modern lion from what comparative studies I have seen and too, because of the size of the huge long sabre teeth the jaw needed a greatly readjusted range, widening the opening to compensate for the teeth. If a sabertoth breed is made from this beautiful cat here I hope that i taken into consideration in its development and not just morphing the teeth bigger. Also need more scruff added perhaps as a transmapped smart prop under chin, base of tail, top of neck and loins. Again simple smart props with god texturing and transmapping would take it farther than most big cat figures I have seen.SabreTooth kitty in Carrara -- naughty SabreTooth!
Thought I'd try a size comparison between Smiley (Fatalis) and Big Kitty! I suspect Dusk may have to hit the Gym before tackling that guy. Now did anyone mention one of the prettiest cats of all - the Cheetah?***
***After Big Kitty of course!
View attachment 14441
Estimated Body Weight:
Smilodon fatalis: 160-280 kg (353-617 lb)
Smilodon gracilis: 55-100 kg (121-221 lb)
Smilodon populator: Up to 400 kg (882 lb)
Body Length: Smilodon fatalis: 175 cm (68.9 in) (measured rump to snout)
Height at Shoulder: Smilodon fatalis: 100 cm (39.37 in)
Tail Length: Smilodon fatalis: 35 cm (13.8 in)
General Description
Information curtesy of San Diego Zoo.
- Similar in size to modern African Lion, but more robust with slightly shorter limbs.
- Nearly 18 cm long (7 inch) canine teeth (Homotherium's canines were around 10 cm or 4 in long.
Oh they're still usable, but veeeeeery long in the tooth.
Lately someone over on DAZ has started offering sets of flat and curved background images in Studio format. Things like Cityscapes, or mountain scapes. Theirs seem typically to have a water ground plane.
Something like that ought not to be difficult to create (theirs use transmaps so they aren;t rectangular in use. They have properly irregular skylines). I think they are designed to be used as backdrops *inside* a skydome. With a decent ground plane you could build pretty much any kind of environment.
Of course one can also wait in hope for a DS-compliant version of the Terradome. (Poser users don't have to wait.)