Thanks Laurie...I haven't been keeping up with what's being released lately.
BEAUTIFUL!!So LOL I was doing a lot of b*tching today about the Superfly Hair Shader... (@Cliff Bowman @Lyne ) so I figured I better put up or shut up, so I spent a little more time today messing with the shader mod I've been bashing my head against the wall over and had given a long rest for obvious reasons. Well.... I think I may have figured it out. Not prefect yet but I think I sorted out the really big issue I was having with it.
So keep in mind these are using very basic styling/I haven't really gotten into that yet as I wanted to resolve the SF shader issue first before I spent a lot of time doing the styling.
And to note!!!- Cliff's TrueHair beta was a huge help in laying down a good base etc. for the hair. Def saves hours on all the toes and more.
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when i was a kid i loved horses and always dreamed one day i'd have my own horse ranch by the sea to ride. it was a dream as i said, that was never made so many others. envy yours.So I've been taking some time off this past week, but will be getting back to finishing up my Calico set next week. Here are a couple of pix from my horse adventures with the Flashman this weekThis not far from Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.
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. . . and will be in my Runtime sometime next week . . . after I get my monthly checks.My White Lion is now out!!yay!
Thanks all! LOL I should I said I like HER- I forgot the majority of Calicos are femaleAlthough this one is really more of a tortoiseshell.
"Most calico cats are females — but not all. Male calicos are rare. “The traditional characteristics for a calico cat are carried on the chromosomes that make cats female, so the majority of calico cats are female,” Dr. Gibbons says. “The possibility of a male calico exists, but they are incredibly rare, and I have yet to see one in 15 years in the veterinary field.”
Approximately one in 3,000 calicos is male. Also, if you have a male calico, odds are that he’s sterile. Only one in 10,000 of male calicos is fertile."