For those asking: Yes I will be updating all remaining older CWRW & CWRW/HW textures for Harry to Iray and Superfly. I am aiming to get these done this year/sooner rather than later ideally

I've done a lot of updating work on them already/just need to finish them up/get past a few little "stuck points".
Sets to be updated still are: (and likely order of release, given where I am on updating them at this point)
Ultra 2
Ultra 1
Rocking Horse
In the meantime, yes- Rae's suggestion is a good one: "for the ones that haven't been updated is to use an updated coat closest in colour to the one I want to use then swap out the diffuse texture of the Coat/Hooves/Inner Ear for the coat I want." I'll add- that is true of the manes, tails and fetlocks too- especially in Superfly. The Firefly MATs for Harry's hair parts REALLY don't work well in Superfly at all.
Western and Classic Tack- though both work pretty well in Iray and Superfly as is- the main thing I've done for my own renders is to swap out the metal mat zone to an iray or Superfly metal shader as desired. But yes they will be updated as well this year.