Ken, I understand what you're saying. But if they want to play in the Poser/Daz market, they need to follow the same rules.
That's exactly what I am saying - SMS was NOT part of this community until they acquired Poser. And since then, SMS has repeatedly claimed that they do NOT sell contents, they sell software. It is more or less known that SMS never wanted CP in the first place. It came along with the bundle, but it has become a burden to SMS ever since. That's why it has been neglected until now.
But the bottom line is that SMS has store policies with all other software they sell besides Poser, and I think they didn't want to have special rules that only apply to Poser. I believe (hypothetically) that if Corel acquired Poser, they rules at CP would be the same as in the Corel store. Conversely, DAZ and HW do not sell other unrelated software like SMS does. They ONLY sell Poser/DS contents, so the rules are similar to other stores that do the same.
I am not trying to take sides on this - I am only explaining that SMS is not like DAZ or HW, and they don't make contents. I believe it was the same with the other retailer company (efrontier from Japan) that owned Poser before SMS. Efrontier was also a software retailer that also sold Poser. And like SMS, they didn't make contents. They follow the same common business practices as other corporations, like Corel, Magix and Ashampoo. They all charge for extended downloads.
What remains to be seen is IF their business rules will allow them to treat CP differently. We will know by Friday.
I can tell you a definite plus to both selling and buying at HiveWire - Quality Control.
Indeed, this is yet another side-effect of SMS handling CP like all the other unrelated products they sell. No beta-testing. That's yet another thing we will all find out if it will change by Friday.