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Can you guess what it is yet ? :)


Don’t confuse my brain even more with this three dimensional talk... there are fronts and backs to things now?
Are you telling me when you turn something around it doesn’t become an entirely different thing?
Must be nice to have object permanence and spacial rotation skills.
Well, I gotta go... the pancreas is yelling about something...
A bit late, but don't you ever try to rotate the view in a YouTube video? I know I do.
Apart from video conversation to dedicated Digiview media players, for use an in an exhibition centre, never really used youtube that much.
But I have explored loads interactive things.

Such as Wirefusion which is kinda like an early version of Sketchfab, which allowed models to be viewed within a browser. Looked good and I got quite adept at creating working interactive models, problem was it needed someone to actively use download and install a browser plugin, possibly Java ?, So it wasn't that popular. I also had an intial foray into the early versions of sketchfab. Though that was for more commercial stuff and it's pricing model of views & uploads made it an expensive toy.

There was also a 3D flash based thing, sorry forget the name, possibly Macromedia designer?. Though I recall that was good as it could be controlled by physical press buttons connected to a PC by a hacked printer cable. Worked great until the makers of flash realised that was a major security hole, which affected 1000's of displays across museums and expos. Including the place I worked at.

Hence the switch to media players. Sadly video/music only, and coding them takes a few weeks to learn, but these are public proof. So tough, where once I'd have to visit every few weeks to fix PC's, now it's an annual visit to overseas electrical/safety testing.

Which kinda comes back to your question, generally no because the effort involved to record/upload a video for a freebie or 3d product isn't 'worth' it. Plus like here these models don't have detail on all sides. But I might if that was something like a detailed spaceship.


Dances with Bees
Tonights wip and a bit of a backward step, as said last night the model was wrong and I had to decide what to do. So I've taken the drastic step of rebuilding the building. So the widths by the doors are now more accurate and the small door has been added.

View attachment 66291
That aspect was easy enough and the upside was a lot of the other parts (in white) could be recycled and won't need remapping. Big downside the wires now don't fit. Originally these came from a pack of meshes kindly made for me a while back by Kastaway. Some of these I will resuse, but some I'm going to make from scratch using Carrara's spline modeller.

View attachment 66292
A rather fiddly process and something I've never done before. So can't promise 100% real world accuracy, probably more of a reasonable representation. But on the upside it will lose the square clips on the 1st version, something I didn't like.

one way I do to model cables is in Carrara modeling room using the polyline tool which you can place along the model and follow the shape.. then extrude a little bit then add thickness and then smooth then crease the edges at both ends of your newly made cable. Quick and easy as :inverted:



A bit late, but don't you ever try to rotate the view in a YouTube video? I know I do.
Recently I was sculpting something on my iPad using Sculptura and a little while afterwards my wife showed me a picture she found and I reached out to rotate the image... the photo was in a frame.
I guess the brain gets stuck in a mode.
I’ve had dreams where I’m in model I’m working on and I have a floating GUI and can make changes like its a holodeck.
My wife wants to get me a VR headset... I don’t see any good coming out of that... I’ll just be standing around in real life waving my hands around trying to pull up a menu out of thin air to change the texture of the house or something...
Wish I'd seen your post about 6 hours ago especially now as the better 1/2 is tapping the bedtime watch:)

As I've just finished the final modelling of the new much thinner wiring. During which I did try something similar with a bit of a pipe. But I found once it gets to a sharp curve it gets problematic, bulges etc. Though I hadn't considered using the polyline tool.

So (and this is good stuff so thank you!) when you say place along the model and follow the shape, how do you do that?

I've just had a try with polyline circle and using global backdrop as a guide in the model tab, and yes that really does work. Though am I missing something obvious here ?

As for other stuff tonight...starting on the few objects by the door, which will be a fire extinguisher, 3 (all different types) of hose reels, a waterproof junction box and 4 plates with bolts. The latter because they'll give some extra detail to what is 'in essence' the hero shot of this model.

I don’t see any good coming out of that.

I'm probably not the best person to ask about how to treat new tech:)

I'm a friends & family carer, which is treated by our lovely government as pretty much the lowest form of healthcare. Roughly about the same level as a squashed slug under a doggy doo. Actually that's not quite true, slugs have a better pension plan. ;) Hence when they said carers could have high-end high-end high-spec tablets for free, in leiu of support, cash etc. I thought stuff it why not. If nothing else we could stare at hi-res pictures of food. So shiny new toy arrives and I wonder what can we do with this.

The answer ? leave it in the kitchen while I'm playing with real clay. :)
And yes it still works.

Or at a comic con, after (amazingly) holding my own in a chat with some real experts in 3d, and landing an informal interview for an MA course, feeling really good. So good I stupidly agreed to try out a VR gaming system, complete with light saber. Now remember I have the dancing skills of a drunk rhino and that's before I put a whole head VR helmet and mocap thing on.

Cue 25 seconds of remaining upright before landing on a small child :)
Which luckily was unbroken and actually quite enamboured with the idea that middle aged men wanted to be play at being Darth Vader.
....and here they are ;)

Stezza - thanks so so much for this, been playing ever since got back from work :)
So sorry folks no updates tonight.

So have I got this right ?

1. Optional ? Create vertex primitive (or something that acts as a "former") for the polyline.
2. Draw a polyline or polyline curve around the former. Or draw it freehand.
3. When #2 is selected, click on selection mode: Polygon Selector.

4. Click on Dynamic Extrusion.
Extrusion mode should be set to the 1st one and Manual offset can be set to desired - say 0.10
5. Add thickness (say 0.10)
6. Shift-left click, choose both ends and set selection mode to poloygon.

7. Model menu-> Crease Edges. All.
8. Model Tab - Subdivision - set to smooth and desired level.
9. Model menu - Triangulate.

If so then I get this ....


...which looks pretty good and not just visually, but it's also a nice tiny mesh.
Though where it seems to go "wrong" (a subjective term) is when I deploy the usual work flow:.

C5 (modelling), Lith (mesh optimisation) UVmapper (mapping and spilt verts) and poser (render etc).

1st thing is...for Lith to optimise a mesh, the mesh needs to be triangulated and obviously it needs triangulating or it'll bloat in poser.
Yet Lith, even though the mesh was triangulated, will report it isn't. I can trigulate it in Lith or Uvmapper, but Poser doesn't like that triangulation.

So I don't triangulate in either, instead I re-import the exported OBJ back into C5, merge co-planar faces and triangulate it.
Then I can optimise the redone mesh in Lith, map/spilt verts in UVmapper etc like usual.
Which is fine, but even if I don't the 2nd happens...

2nd thing...looks nice and smooth until I spilt verts, then it goes blocky.
I vaguely recall something about 30 being the magic number for poser.

3rd issue, (I think I know the answer for this 1) is when I subdivision smooth in C5.
Depending on value, the filesize increases massively, that bit I get (smoother or more sub-d always creates big meshes) but even then a spilt verts can cause it to go blocky. Yet it still has have a overly highly size.

So what am I doing wrong ?


Dances with Bees
I use Carrara 8.5Pro .. I'm not familiar with that particular window from Carrara 5.

I've never heard of or used Lith so can't help there. I don't use Poser so can't help there but I know that exporting OBJ from Carrara 8.5 using quads works ok in Poser and DS.

Hexagon is similar and is free from Daz, that may be of benefit for you.

You can also check out these threads in the Carrara forum which may shed some light

Modeling Objects in Carrrara

and the Wacky Modeling Thread may be useful

as with the polyline that's pretty much it... play around with different settings for different results :inverted:

take note also which backdrop plane you have selected for extractions and also when extracting hold the ctrl button down for extra precision.



thickness depends on the size of your model... you will need to play around with that to get what you need.. even though it shows 0.00 as the lowest you can enter lower values like 0.005 and it recognises that or -0.005 depending if your thickness is outwards or inwards.

but this is with C8.5 so not sure if C5 has these options.


Recently I was sculpting something on my iPad using Sculptura and a little while afterwards my wife showed me a picture she found and I reached out to rotate the image... the photo was in a frame.
I guess the brain gets stuck in a mode.
I’ve had dreams where I’m in model I’m working on and I have a floating GUI and can make changes like its a holodeck.
My wife wants to get me a VR headset... I don’t see any good coming out of that... I’ll just be standing around in real life waving my hands around trying to pull up a menu out of thin air to change the texture of the house or something...
Thanks! I really fell so much better knowing that I am .not alone. I wouldn't dare try VR myself. For you, just try not to change those textures in the middle of a grocery store.
Pleased to say now we've got past Christmas, Covid Cops and Crutches..just the usual quiet xmas;)...slowly getting back into this.
Tonight the final modelling of the extinguisher top, which - I hope - has enough detail for hero shots balanced against poly count (around 500k).


Stezza..1st up thanks for the links and tips.

My most recent version is 6 and there doesn't seem much difference from 5 pro, so guessing there isn't much between 8 and 5.
The thickness setting as per your image is the same. Lith Unwrap is an old freeware UV mapper written by Brad BoltHouse back in 2002
Think I tried Hexagon once, though not sure why I didn't stick with it, Carrera seemed to hit the "I like that" bone.

And yes the polyline is certainly fun to play with, hence the production of multiple handles until happy :)

LmWolfSpirit...or if you have friends like mine, who'll quite happily give you the full "4D VR Star Trek ship being attacked" experience in a office wheelie chair. Though I don't remember Captain Kirk ever encountering super soaker water pistols o_O

Though that playing and xmas stuff isn't the only reason for the break in making..this was...


...which amazingly was found in a dumpster!!
(With a note saying helping yourself if any use). More amazingly is it sorta works.

I say sorta because the 1st time it didn't and the red controller gave off a electrical burning smell. 2nd time it did, and was rather impressive with lights and sound, but 3rd time the smell was back and now it doesn't work.

But I'm hopeful that over time, I'll find a way of repairing and re-homing it to someone I know this would suit perfectly. Especially as they've had a really cruddy time recently. Which is always the best part of re-purposing/recycling stuff :)
Sometimes things don't work out and tonights WIP is one of those.

Inspired by looking at our garage hose reel, I thought give one of the hosereel insets some extra detail.
Kinda like how plastic modellers include cockpit detail, while you can't see it, you know it's there.

Looks nice but it's 600k and 2 sides will be needed, so this one isn't suitable.
But it won't get dumped, instead I keep a virtual spares box, which is this will go and later might be used as a car wheel, or spaceship gribble.



Your extinguisher looks great! And I like the idea of a virtual spares box. Nice visual. :D


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
Virtual spares box?
Like a box with miscellaneous stuff in it, stashed in a corner of the garage somewhere? You know every building out there has one, somewhere.....