....and here they are
Stezza - thanks so so much for this, been playing ever since got back from work
So sorry folks no updates tonight.
So have I got this right ?
1. Optional ? Create vertex primitive (or something that acts as a "former") for the polyline.
2. Draw a polyline or polyline curve around the former. Or draw it freehand.
3. When #2 is selected, click on selection mode: Polygon Selector.
4. Click on Dynamic Extrusion.
Extrusion mode should be set to the 1st one and Manual offset can be set to desired - say 0.10
5. Add thickness (say 0.10)
6. Shift-left click, choose both ends and set selection mode to poloygon.
7. Model menu-> Crease Edges. All.
8. Model Tab - Subdivision - set to smooth and desired level.
9. Model menu - Triangulate.
If so then I get this ....
...which looks pretty good and not just visually, but it's also a nice tiny mesh.
Though where it seems to go "wrong" (a subjective term) is when I deploy the usual work flow:.
C5 (modelling), Lith (mesh optimisation) UVmapper (mapping and spilt verts) and poser (render etc).
1st thing is...for Lith to optimise a mesh, the mesh needs to be triangulated and obviously it needs triangulating or it'll bloat in poser.
Yet Lith, even though the mesh was triangulated, will report it isn't. I can trigulate it in Lith or Uvmapper, but Poser doesn't like that triangulation.
So I don't triangulate in either, instead I re-import the exported OBJ back into C5, merge co-planar faces and triangulate it.
Then I can optimise the redone mesh in Lith, map/spilt verts in UVmapper etc like usual.
Which is fine, but even if I don't the 2nd happens...
2nd thing...looks nice and smooth until I spilt verts, then it goes blocky.
I vaguely recall something about 30 being the magic number for poser.
3rd issue, (I think I know the answer for this 1) is when I subdivision smooth in C5.
Depending on value, the filesize increases massively, that bit I get (smoother or more sub-d always creates big meshes) but even then a spilt verts can cause it to go blocky. Yet it still has have a overly highly size.
So what am I doing wrong ?