To confuse poor McGyver's pancreas even further, and because it's 3:48am, mostly that I'm too lazy to type anything else.
Here's how I explained things at rendo....
I try to spend as much time as possible avoiding the currently reality (especially shop greeters wearing yellow jackets trained at the Pol Pot Charm School) by hiding in my garage. Hence I didn't know much of what transpired at the press conference, only that people had said it was...well... different.
Thus a trip to various news website, for roundness includes... one with long words like the Guardian.
The BBC because they do pictures you can colour in.
And lastly, because my brain deserves self flagellation, the Daily Mail.
For those less blessed ..or possibly cursed...than us Brits, the Mail isn't as high brow as Garfield or Snoopy.
Instead it's aimed mostly at those who believe the ideal world would be one that resembles a Hornby train set (with steam of course).
We are still at war with the Germans and we beat them at soccer.
Dr Who isn't female and the biggest jolly bad show of all...
One of the royals didn't marry an American, even though 90% of Daily Mail readers have the Megan swimsuit special on the back of the toilet
door. For when they need a quick blast of Ivor Bigunn's biggest selling album.
So when that paper wrote, in all seriousness....
"Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is situated next to Delaware Valley
Cremation Center and Fantasy Island Adult Books, where owners host 'D**do Madness' sales throughout the year." just know it's gonna be a good one

Moreso when I saw the pictures and even the building looks so different.
So I just had to make this one, as a 3 piecer because that won't take months to do.
But I didn't realise until using streetview, the visuals and geography isn't so clear cut as the papers say.
What you see is the back of the building, the cremation place is opposite the front, and the bookshop isn't quite next door.
Oh and I hope everyone enjoys the WIP of building 3...
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