• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I'll be away for a while ...


Hi... I was just checking to see if you (Lisa) have reached the DVD stage yet...
Or does DVD come before Netflix stage...
I know VHS came before DVD, but that's more of a technological evolution thing... I guess at one point if there is a DVD stage, there probably was a VHS stage...
I wonder what came before VHS... Probably trilobites...
They are adorable.
I think they are highly overlooked by today's internet culture.
Can you read books?
That didn't come out right... It wasn't a question about your literacy, it's more about arm position and how you hold a book...
I don't know why I asked that, I suppose I was going somewhere with that, but I started thinking that that question either made no sense whatsoever or it did... Which I guess is what most sentences do...
Actually, what I think I meant was something about all the stuff they tell you not to do when you are recovering...
I'm sure they told you not to go bowling for a few days and avoid doing a lot of chin ups, but I remember when my father in law had surgery, they told him to avoid reading large books...
I automatically pictured the necronomicron, but they probably meant like large print versions of war and peas...
Oh, by the way... I looked it up... Pomegranates are the fruit and Pomeranians are dogs.
I don't remember where I left that off the other day, but I didn't want any confusion.
Well, I suppose I should go...
I hope you are getting plenty of rest and not reading my posts, they are not generally good for you...
You know I actually had a doctor tell my friend that he shouldn't read my text messages.
Last year, a friend of mine contracted flesh eating bacteria... AND I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT... Seriously, it was very weird, because apparently it's not that uncommon... But anyway, he almost lost a finger or two and was in the hospital for quite a while...
Apparently, this one doctor decided I was a bad influence after I made my friend a small action figure of a flesh eating bacteria...

As you can see, there is nothing wrong or demoralizing in that...
Apparently the doctor thought that made light of a very serious condition... It did... That was the point...
So I checked with another friend of mine who is an actual real doctor too (an obstetrician) (not ostrichetrician... Which is what I thought when I first heard him say it) and he said that was funny...
He also noted that I am a bad influence, but as long as I was managing to make it past security, legally it was their problem...
But apparently the doctor who didn't like "Mr. Fleshy" heard my friend's wife read an email I sent him one of the days I wasn't able to visit (I love visiting people in hospitals... It gives me lots of time to work on my prop comedy... You'd be surprised at the funny stuff you can do with an empty bed pan)... (Empty... Remember that part if you try that idea)...
He (that doctor) thought my humor was macabre and terrible and my medical advice unfounded and possibly deadly...
Well, duh... He met me like five times and the first time I was wearing a Viking helmet made out of a bed pan and disposable cups...
I asked my other doctor friend, what she thought of that and she said I shouldn't put bed pans on my head... I explained it was empty, and that I was referring to the part about the email... She said she didn't think the email was bad, but there could be possible side effects from reading stuff I wrote...
So my point is don't read this... Trained medical professionals have warned against it.
I suppose this is probably wearing you out and visiting hour is almost over now so I should throw the iPad out the back door now... Sorry about yesterday, after it landed on the squirrel he tried to finish what I was writing...
Anyway, this time I'm aiming for the shrubs...


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
It's at Content Paradise these days - you might already own it as it's been free a bunch of times. I got it originally way back when Curious Labs owned Poser ;)


Crazy Cat Lady
Contributing Artist
Hurra for Lisa, sending all my Love and support <3 <3 <3 Take it easy, relax, rest and be happy that the surgery is over and every day you will get stronger and stronger.
We all love you!

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Thanks, folks. Been laying low, sleeping, watching Netflix and just chilling. Not feeling much like communicating. Kinda feel in shock. Good that every day I'm able to do more than the day prior. This too shall pass.


Even life itself tends to be a temporary state until such time as it moves into the next phase of being.

In all seriousness though - I'm glad you're home, I'm glad you're doing better. Being able to chill out to Netflix is a great sign.

Hope you mend soon, Lisa, and I'm glad everything is progressing. :balloon01: :balloon03:


I promised to keep Lisa updated on my own situation,so here goes ;)

Nothing specific came out of the echo cardiogram I had to wait 2 years for... now they want to follow it up by having me wear a heartmonitor for 24hours.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Frustrating when you get tests and they don't tell you anything (going thru that with my husband right now). Hope the monitor will give them whatever info they need!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Nothing specific came out of the echo cardiogram I had to wait 2 years for... now they want to follow it up by having me wear a heartmonitor for 24hours.
I had to wear a heart monitor a couple of times years ago, but not recently.

That reminds me, I'll have to go in for my annual stress test in a couple of months.


Contributing Artist
I hope the heart monitor helps...it's frustrating going through testing to find out what can be done, if anything.