Good to hear you have reached the Netflix stage... At this rate you'll be back to normal very soon!
What's it like?
Normal, that is... I've heard a lot about it, but I've never actually been there...
I picture it like one of those fancy restrooms with the little edible soaps...
Anyway, get plenty of rest and eat lots of pomegranates... Wait, no... That was something I made up...
I think you are supposed to hug pillows?
Did you get one of those heart pillows?
Don't answer that, it's too strenuous at this point... Just blink loudly...
Three blinks for yes... Fourteen for maybe... Two long blinks followed by six quick blinks alternating between left and right eyelid for no...
Never mind, that was my compressor kicking in... I was using the nail gun to fix my wife's valentine card which I lost after I hid it in the vacuum degassing chamber...
Never mind the story ends with a fan and a bandsaw...
Right... The compressor...
What was I thinking?... You probably have very quiet eyelids...
You should rest... Watch Netflix, avoid anything shocking like exposed wires or electric eels... Hug that pillow... eat a Pomeranian... Or pomegranate... Actually, I have no idea which... Pomegranates are the little dogs right?
There was or is that drink that's called Pom Wonderful or something like that, which was claiming to be good for your heart because it gave you super powers or some other ridiculous claim...
I know they had to stop making a claim about something, but I figured it was made out of those little dogs, because they are so hyper they must have really strong hearts to keep them from exploding... And it makes sense if you pressed them into a juice...
Don't think about that... Just rest...
Think happy thoughts...
Not too happy... Save that for Saturday...
I can't think of a good segue into saying goodbye, so I'm just gonna toss my iPad out the back door now...