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What Is Your Favorite TV Show?


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I remember Wild Wild West. I used to like it, but to be honest was never a huge western fan (I briefly liked Zoro and Lone Ranger). I was always more of a space case. Even my earliest memories I was all about Robots, Monsters, Starships, other worlds... If my teachers had nurtured it instead of mocking it I might have been more interested in the sciences and electronics at a younger age an pursued a career in those. I used to read anything and everything I could about NASA, the space program, space exploration, and the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence up until about middle school where I started reading just science fiction, fantasy, and comic books.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I was never a fan of Zoro or the Lone Ranger either.

I didn't get into sci-fi until I started reading Isaac Asimov, and eventually I got into fantasy as well. My earlier books were either murder mysteries or foreign intrigue.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I grew up hooked on things like Starblazers, Battle of the Planets, Jason of Star Command, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Land of the Lost, Battlestar Galactica, the old Flash Gordon cartoon... I saw Star Wars and Moonraker probably a few too many times...and of course reruns of that cult classic Space trip show... The first real sci-fi book read in 6th grade (not meant for 6th graders) was a book I fell in love with called Galactic Patrol by Doc E.E. Smith.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh I liked the original Battlestar Galactica. I never could get into the remake they did though. I also remember Flash Gordon.


I didn't like the remake or the sequel to the original. I think it was Batttlestar Galactica 198x -something. Starbuck and Apollo were dead and gone and their sons took over, but they did find Earth.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
yeah, that was pretty terrible too. Kids with super powers, flying motorcycles, slapstick comedy Cylons, they killed a great show,


Speaking of... what's the WORST kid's show you ever remember? It can be a Saturday morning show, live action, or cartoon, but it has to have have had at least ONE season on the air.

Personally, I actually hated Captain Planet, but Trust me there were far worst.

Almost anything Sid and Marty Kroft did, like H.R. Puffenstuff, Lidsville, And Far Out Space nuts. Although, surprisingly, I did kind of enjoy Land of the Lost.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I loved the Kroft stuff as a kid. Granted it is very dated and hokey now - but in the early 70's some of it was ambitious for Kids' TV.

For worst, my vote is actually a Genre more than a single show and it is the whole Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh nonsense... the cartoons watching fictional children playing battling card games... just terrible... especially after North American Editing (but even as an anime fan I am not in any hurry to try to see them uncut).


I loved the Kroft stuff as a kid. Granted it is very dated and hokey now - but in the early 70's some of it was ambitious for Kids' TV.

For worst, my vote is actually a Genre more than a single show and it is the whole Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh nonsense... the cartoons watching fictional children playing battling card games... just terrible... especially after North American Editing (but even as an anime fan I am not in any hurry to try to see them uncut).
I actually liked Yugioh, but yeah, couldn't stand Pokemon, and Digimon. Although, I did know this girl whose son was really into Pokemon at the time.


Just in case anyone is interested and also happens to have a subscription to Disney Plus, they started offering Schoolhouse Rock today on the Channel. If you don't want to get Disney Plus, you can also check out the videos on YouTube.



Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
For those that have NetFlix watch Ricky Gervais new show, 2 seasons so far, After Life. I've learned to watch just one episode at a time. It's humorous but it's also heart wrenching and beautiful. As many of my friends over at Facebook have stated, his best ever series. I can't recommend this show enough!

After Life | Netflix Official Site


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I just finished The Dark season 3. Overall I really like the series. Granted it has it's problems, but given the very complex subject matter I feel it does a far better job than so many shows addressing it. I just wish the English dubbing was better...then again, I have seen and heard far worse. I would recommend it.
I have tried watching several more recent mecha anime recently, and have been very disappointed. Too many trying to be overly metaphysical or overly spiritual that are just badly written knock-offs of one another, or just down right terrible concepts from the start. Even the latest offering of Macross crossed into that whole Magical Girl/Idol genre I hate. How do you mess up a straightforward concept of "Aliens invade and giant robots fight"? :confused: I would think I am just too old for cartoons, but I still enjoy the stuff from the 80s and early 90s (and Venture Brothers, and Rick and Morty).


I just finished The Dark season 3. Overall I really like the series. Granted it has it's problems, but given the very complex subject matter I feel it does a far better job than so many shows addressing it. I just wish the English dubbing was better...then again, I have seen and heard far worse. I would recommend it.
I have tried watching several more recent mecha anime recently, and have been very disappointed. Too many trying to be overly metaphysical or overly spiritual that are just badly written knock-offs of one another, or just down right terrible concepts from the start. Even the latest offering of Macross crossed into that whole Magical Girl/Idol genre I hate. How do you mess up a straightforward concept of "Aliens invade and giant robots fight"? :confused: I would think I am just too old for cartoons, but I still enjoy the stuff from the 80s and early 90s (and Venture Brothers, and Rick and Morty).
There are several types of animations/cartoons though. Some like Rick and Morty and Venture Brothers are made primarily for adults. Some are made for teens and adults and some are made for kids. I'm not a big fan of the stuff made for kids. I used to love Dark Wing Duck, but I tuned in for a show or two a few days ago, and all I can think is I must have been bored. It wasn't the same. Of course, I've got a lot more choices now that I didn't have then, I am older and I have seen it before.


There are several types of animations/cartoons though. Some like Rick and Morty and Venture Brothers are made primarily for adults. Some are made for teens and adults and some are made for kids. I'm not a big fan of the stuff made for kids. I used to love Dark Wing Duck, but I tuned in for a show or two a few days ago, and all I can think is I must have been bored. It wasn't the same. Of course, I've got a lot more choices now that I didn't have then, I am older and I have seen it before.

As an adult, I used to love Dangermouse! The humor was definitely for adults. I think it ran on Nickelodeon.
