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What Is Your Favorite TV Show?


Dances with Bees
The final season (5) of The Last Ship will be back on soon......



James Burke used to be on a show called Tomorrow's World, which showed you various wonders that were coming out like CD's (which were made of toughened glass at the time), or auto-focus lenses for cameras. It was live, so something usually went wrong for the team. He then did various solo shows, like the one you saw. Another good one, was a show called Think Of A Number with Johnny Ball. He did things, like showing how tough teeth were, by super gluing them to a drill bit, then drilling through a house brick. After that, he'd show how strong stomach acid was, by dropping a tooth into it and dissolving it!

I remember James Burke and Tomorrow's World and the suspense to see if some of the demonstration would go wrong and how. It really was the stuff of my childhood and a must watch every week, mind you I think I also had a crush on Judith Hann at the time. I am sure this show had a lot to do with my love of technology and sci-fi that has stayed with me for the whole of my life so far.


I've been bingeing on Star Trek Enterprise for a month now:


It's been a long road, getting from there to here
It's been a long time, but my time is finally near
And I can feel the change in the wind right now. Nothing's in my way
And they're not gonna hold me down no more, no they're not gonna hold me down

Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe. I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul. And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star. I've got faith, faith of the heart

It's been a long night. Trying to find my way
Been through the darkness. Now I finally have my day
And I will see my dream come alive at last. I will touch the sky
And they're not gonna hold me down no more, no they're not gonna change my mind

Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe. I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul. And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star. I've got faith, faith of the heart

I've known the wind so cold, I've seen the darkest days
But now the winds I feel, are only winds of change
I've been through the fire and I've been through the rain
But I'll be fine ...

Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe. I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul. And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star. I've got faith, faith of the heart

Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe. I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul. And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star. I've got faith, faith of the heart


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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oddly, that was the one Star Trek series I didn't like. Not sure why, but I just couldn't like it as much as the others. It could've been because it was supposed to be a prequel to all the other ST series, but it just seemed to fall short.


I thought it was well done, and at least during the first season, you can see where elements of TOS and TNG, Like Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, replicators. and even the Prime Directive came from. In watching it, so far, I think I also see where it started to get off track.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I loved Enterprise. It was so much calmer somehow than the others. Though I love all Star Trek.


Like I said, during seasons 1 and 2, they pretty much stuck to canon. Introducing the Romulans, Klingons, and Vulcans and Andorians. We also see why Vulcans and Andorians don't like each other. And Hoshi's transporter phobia where it was new technology, but Dr.'s McCoy and Pulaski still didn't trust it decades later. I have also heard people complain about the ship's design and small size, but to be honest, for me, that's the kind of ship I'd expect to see first head out.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
What bothered me most was an announcement before the last season, IIRC, about them making the story lines better, but to me the last season just made everyone seem angrier, and that's not what I would expect from a shipload of explorers discovering new worlds. Just turned me off completely.

I might have liked it better if it were, indeed, an earlier show, and not after all the other more modern ST series. Not everyone has the ability to "take you back in time" successfully, and I think Enterprise fell short in that respect.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
If I remember right there was a story line involving time travel. It was fascinating!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hey Janet, are you interested in time travel, and do you like to read? If so, have I got an author for you -->
Lynn Kurland's Books

I've read most of the Nine Kingdoms books, but don't recall if those involved time travel, however, her de Piaget Family Series, and the MacLeod Family Series, do for the most part. They even intersect where a member of one family gets involved with a member of the other family. Needless to say, these include romance, but also some historical facts, which kept me interested.

I haven't read any of the anthologies, so can't comment on them.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
You're quite welcome. I don't recall if they're listed on that page in any particular order as far as what to read first. Amazon, however, is pretty good about listing what year a book came out, so that might help.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I stopped watching TV in the middle of Next Gen, and have never watched the last several seasons, so I came to Enterprise fresh, so to speak, with 15 or so years between the last episode of Next Gen I watched and the later series. I seem to recall I watched Enterprise after Deep Space Nine and Voyager, but Enterprise grabbed me with the theme song and opening sequence in a way that neither Deep Space Nine nor Voyager did.

Of course, it doesn't hurt at all that Scott Bakula is one of my favorite actors. I'm in the middle of rewatching Chuck, and my favorite episodes are those with Scott Bakula as Chuck's father.


Enterprise could have done with a couple more series. I liked where they started tying it in with the other shows, like the Mirror Universe episode, and and the business with the Klingons. I also liked the way that they used to use the shuttles more often, as the transporter wasn't perfected for human transport, as seen from the episode where the person was beamed up during a storm, and had sticks and leaves stuck in them.

Wasn't keen on Discovery at all. The Orville is closer to Star Trek than this is.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Of course, it doesn't hurt at all that Scott Bakula is one of my favorite actors. I'm in the middle of rewatching Chuck, and my favorite episodes are those with Scott Bakula as Chuck's father.
Oh, then you should be watching NCIS New Orleans, as he stars in that series. In fact, I think it's his best role yet.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Of course I watched NCIS New Orleans! Until a CBS Subscription, Comcast, or DirectTV account was required to steam it.
Unlike NCIS, NCIS New Orleans isn't available to watch on Netflix. So sad.