By my comparison I meant, Godzilla's destructive swath and carnage was not by Evil intent, but instinct. Just as a Lion or Tiger is not evil for attacking or killing other animals for food, or to defend it's territory.
Actually that's what I meant too... Or was agreeing to... I'm not sure anymore...
I'm naturally destructive while chasing other animals that have my food, for example that lousy squirrel with my cookie (double fudge chocolate chip).
Come on who wouldn't attack another animal for taking one of those...
But while that is my natural instinct, which on its own is not necessarily evil, I also got mad when I realized it was the last cookie... Which is always the best one... The last one is always the best one of anything...
Unless you are eating pistachios, in which case the last one will always have a moth larva in it, which will leave a horrible taste in your mouth... Except for people who slurp those down like pimentos, in which case it's like a bitter squoosy bonus...
So getting mad is kinda evil since that is not instinct and more like emotion, and it's probably leaning even more in the direction of evil if your intention is to traumatize the squirrel by duct taping him to a chair and forcing him to watch reruns of cheesy 70s sitcoms... Which was sorta my intent...
It's kinda confusing because initially it was my "it's running so I have to chase it" reflex/instinct (if you've ever had a dog you'll understand) which when I realized what the little booger was carrying, triggered my "he's got my cookie" instinct which is sort of a greedy instinct and greed is bad and duct taping squirrels to furniture and forcing them to watch bad TV shows is pretty evil.
I guess my point was- Godzilla was just being Godzilla and he was out for a stroll, so no bad intent there, but when I'm running through the woods there is a 50/50 chance I may be up to no good...
Or something like that.
And on a side note... I never knew there were Gammera movies made in the 90s... When I was 7 or 8 years old, Gammera was my favorite giant movie monster.