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Todays Weather where you live?


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
They say today the last day ,
today not as much humid but hot as hell , my home still over 82F and both AC running 24h and I am melting , did not did any work for 2 days
thankfully this weekend we get some relief....


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I am not worry :). Anyway, something which I can not avoid, should not worry me. Poisson just my daily live. The climat we can anyway not control. No matter what some people say. This is such a complex system, which you can not break down to co2.
The solar flare is something different. 2012 we miss a huge one. Hope we will be still on the safe side.
What annoy me is the weather. We have now from the morning till the evening storm. 4-5 times per day. Very strange. Yesterday the first at 8.30 and during the day 2-3 more. Short, 10-15 minutes lasting, but heavy. From beautiful sky to dark Apocalypse in minutes.
Unpredictable. Big walks, hikes, not possible .To dangerous here in the Jura mountain.
Well I could not sleep well last night and watched new documentary about the magnetic pole and what consequences it can have on everything, it was a little scary ,if it switching , number one was heavy radiation on life forms , extinctions. of some species, muttations , cancer and other stuff , they said it happen 40.000 years ago believing it may be one of the reason why Neanderthals and other animal species perishes , as with each event there was mass extinction back in times that matching the evens .
Another one to add to the apocalyptical list lol

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Geeze, and I thought it was hot as blazes here on the East Coast. Thank goodness the temp is due to drop for a while, but they're expecting lots of rain tomorrow and, I believe, a couple of days after, so "hopefully" the humidity will drop too. For me high humidity's worse than high temps.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
Day before yesterday it reached 101 at my house with 86% humidity. Yesterday it was about 93 same humidity. I think today it dropped into high 80s and has been thunderstorms all day.

Really missing my central air.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Geeze, and I thought it was hot as blazes here on the East Coast. Thank goodness the temp is due to drop for a while, but they're expecting lots of rain tomorrow and, I believe, a couple of days after, so "hopefully" the humidity will drop too. For me high humidity's worse than high temps.
Monday back to heat again , scenario changed .. hopefully cooling of at last for the weekend, rain or not rain


Severe thunderstorm passed through here a little while ago. Flashes every 2 to 3 seconds. But counting the seconds, they were almost all at least 2 miles straight up. But they lit up the sky like daylight! Poured like hell for a couple minutes. Calm now. Don't know if it will stay that way.



Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
We are today again in the clouds. Humid and really fresh. Ugly in one word. Yesterday I count 5 Thunder storms till the evening. :mad:
Short, but heavy each time. And for today again Yellow warning.


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We had yesterday hot, wet again. Made a short walk to the lake, through the forest, feel like in the Rain Forest. Very uncomfortable.
It is just 4km walk around from home and back, but i was wet like after a 15 km hike up. Even Maiko had no fun and after he cool his self down, he want to go home.
Found also some very beautiful flowers. They call Pyramid Orchids.
That's how you can tell bad weather. If a dog isn't up for walking in it, it's miserable :D


All that said, I rather agree with it's easier to cool off than to stay warm. I will also say that for either, it depends on the day. A cool breeze or stream on a hot day does wonders. You can find a warm spot on a cold day, or duck under a shady tree on a warm day.
Easier to warm: entropy is on your side. You can start a fire and it self sustains. You can't start a colder and get that.

On the one hand, most of the universe is not much warmer than 3 kelvins (-270ºC). One the other hand, we have a trillion billion ton ball of fusing hydrogen nuclei with a surface temperature of 5,800 K rather nearby.

Then, of course, you have to add hot wings into that mix, to take it over the top.


Better than the surge protectors are their UPS units! There are stories of people experiencing a direct lightning strike to their house, but the APC UPS clamped down on it and protected their computers. The UPS was fried, but it didn't get to the computer. Plus, for something as short as a brownout, it can damage your computer's hard drive. It happened to me once. The head bounced right on the boot sector of the drive, and damaged it. couldn't boot up. I could boot from an emergency disc and could read files on that drive, but it couldn't boot because the boot sector was damaged. I found out why and ever since I've always had an APC UPS for my computers.

They make special UPS units for home theater media. I imagine they are also top quality.

Reminds me. I've had a UPS sitting next to the desk for months, But I was too busy to shut everything down to hook it up. Then I forgot about it. And there it is. Tucked away and doing nothing for me. Can you spell "IDIOT"?


If the pole switched completely, it would affect our technical aspect of life , compass, plains etc.. and issues for some animals that relays on magnetic fields for navigation .
The Earth axis tilts very slowly and will not reach its final destination in our lifetime , not much to worry about that .
I would be more concern about the solar flares as they can blast out our atmosphere and ends everything ..and also control our climate , not much about that we can do .
Let's move everyone to Equator they have always the same weather no matter the tilts of the Earth axis lol
Given our species, I'm pretty sure we'll off ourselves before nature does it. But... we're part of nature, too. So killing ourselves off will just be another act of nature. Albeit, an ironic one.

I grew up hoping I'd be long dead of old age before then. Now I'm concerned I wont be.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Severe thunderstorm passed through here a little while ago. Flashes every 2 to 3 seconds. But counting the seconds, they were almost all at least 2 miles straight up. But they lit up the sky like daylight! Poured like hell for a couple minutes. Calm now. Don't know if it will stay that way.

that was nothing Dana , but a lot of flashes indeed last evening , I was expecting more rain and much longer, but I see more is on the way as we got some flash flood warning for the afternoon until tomorrow 2am .
today 76F/ 24 C and humid outside even worse than yesterday, so not helped much , but finally my AC shut down this morning , as inside is very comfortable and finally quiet .. we see what next week brings us but it seems like only 2 days next week going to be on the higher temp scale


They say today the last day ,
today not as much humid but hot as hell , my home still over 82F and both AC running 24h and I am melting , did not did any work for 2 days
thankfully this weekend we get some relief....
I hope that was the last hot day for you.
We got ,ore rain today.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
The weather has cooled down today, and for the next couple of days. Unfortunately, the humidity hasn't, so even though there was no sun out today, it was very humid, with hardly any breeze to cool you off. When there's a nice breeze, it's a lot more comfortable.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I had to go out for an appointment this morning, and it didn't seem all that hot or humid. But my windshield was fogged up, rather like I'd often experienced when I was living in Orlando. So, I turned up the fan, which usually clears Philadelphia fogged windows. But no go. So, I turned on the defroster. But that still didn't help. I even turned on the A/C, which is what I'd always done in Orlando. But still, no go.

Imagine my surprise when a few minutes later, I turned on my windshield wipers because it was sprinkling, and the windshield wipers wiped away the condensation. Turned out, it wasn't the inside that was fogged up. It was the outside.

Good grief.