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Todays Weather where you live?


Better than "out west" though. In BC the heat is trumping COVID. Saw this morning that BC is dropping mask mandates due to the difficulty in breathing due to their heat and humidity the next week. Supposed to break Country wide records. They are in the 40's+ for the next while. BTW, I'm not far from you actually. T.O.
As in the Canadian BC???? Shiva H. Vishnu!
I recall maybe a few days of 90, in the entire 4 years in Seattle.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
SF always had no seasons. Four of them. sun1, fog, sun2, rain. The extent of fog and rain seasons literally depended on which block you lived. (fog and rain roughly corresponded to summer and winter in the rest of the hemisphere)
Interesting. Like on the Equator. Stable temperatures.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
We had yesterday hot, wet again. Made a short walk to the lake, through the forest, feel like in the Rain Forest. Very uncomfortable.
It is just 4km walk around from home and back, but i was wet like after a 15 km hike up. Even Maiko had no fun and after he cool his self down, he want to go home.
Found also some very beautiful flowers. They call Pyramid Orchids.


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Evil hot and not stopping for the next week. Computer said it was 27c at 5am and it's only got warmer and muggier since then.

Don't know about the reality of the Subway/Metro system in your towns. That has become a shelter from the heat on many occasions here. People sitting on the platforms on lawn chairs with coolers. Couldn't care less when the train comes. They aren't going anywhere. Always cooler underground.

Surprisingly I remember a number of years back when people were sitting in the grocery stores beside the freezers and coolers on their lawn chairs as well.

No air con in my building and a lot of others. Heat is more important than cold. Add an air con to your bedroom window and you will be fined most places if it does not hang over your balcony. They have dropped from windows and killed people walking past.


Evil hot and not stopping for the next week. Computer said it was 27c at 5am and it's only got warmer and muggier since then.

Don't know about the reality of the Subway/Metro system in your towns. That has become a shelter from the heat on many occasions here. People sitting on the platforms on lawn chairs with coolers. Couldn't care less when the train comes. They aren't going anywhere. Always cooler underground.

Surprisingly I remember a number of years back when people were sitting in the grocery stores beside the freezers and coolers on their lawn chairs as well.

No air con in my building and a lot of others. Heat is more important than cold. Add an air con to your bedroom window and you will be fined most places if it does not hang over your balcony. They have dropped from windows and killed people walking past.
When I was living and working in TO the building I lived in (and most of the places I worked at) had an extra charge if you had A/C in addition to rent etc... I used to have a window mounted A/C unit, but I got a floor model type recently and it's much easier to set up, just the exhaust hose to put in the window and nothing else, and no risk of anything falling out and hurting anyone... :)

Yep... currently 27C including humidity here too... high of 40c/104f expected today... yuck... and for tomorrow as well if the weather reports are accurate...


I always wondered how people handled the weather in NY back in times , when you look at the summer pictures of people dressed from toes to the top of their heads in layered dresses and suits .. was the climate different ? was colder as it is now ? how they managed it , as from the old movies or pictures it don't looks as it bothered them much at all . From what I read it was 6.1° and 5.4° colder on average than it is now .
I can't speak for NY, but in the south, I do remember that a lot of times people sat on their front porches swinging on those old chairs. My mother and older sisters and brothers used to tell me how they would sit out on the porch and tell each other stories and just talk. I also remember whe I was a kid that out church used to give out hand fans for people to cool themselves off with. Usually, on one side was depiction from thte Bible, and on the other side was an ad from a local merchant. We also took the fans home, so we had something to cool off with.


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There is no real spring and fall anymore. Seasons are caused from Earth axis tilt. Currently the earth axis is changing again. Pole flip. Pole Reversal Happens All The (Geologic) Time
This is why there is no real seasons anymore.
Pole reversal has nothing to do with the tilt of the Earth's axis. They are magnetic poles. And that shift may not be as important as it used to be. We hardly rely on a compass anymore. We use the GPS satellites for navigation. 50 years ago, that would be a problem for seafaring and air navigation. Or even for Boy Scouts on a hike in the woods! I don't know how many ships still use a compass to guide them. I doubt very many, if any at all. But I could be wrong about that.

The tilt of the axis does change, constantly, over long periods of time. The Earth wobbles like a top. What is now called the North Star didn't used to be, and some day will not be again. But it is a very slow process...Earth's axis appears stable, but it actually wobbles very slowly, like a spinning top. It takes Earth's axis about 26,000 years to complete a circular "wobble." This wobble is called axial precession.. Axial Tilt

As for the magnetic pole shift, it happens slowly over many thousands of years. Our magnetic field is currently shifting at a rate of about 40 miles per year. A shift of North to South wouldn't happen overnight, and perhaps not in a lifetime. The science shows that magnetic pole reversal is – in terms of geologic time scales – a common occurrence that happens gradually over millennia. While the conditions that cause polarity reversals are not entirely predictable – the north pole's movement could subtly change direction, for instance – there is nothing in the millions of years of geologic record to suggest that any of the 2012 doomsday scenarios connected to a pole reversal should be taken seriously. A reversal might, however, be good business for magnetic compass manufacturers. NASA on pole reversal



I found this with a quick Google search... "Since its first formal discovery in 1831, the north magnetic pole has travelled around 1,400 miles (2,250 km)," the NOAA's National Centres for Environmental Information (NCEI) explains on its website. "This wandering has been generally quite slow, allowing scientists to keep track of its position fairly easily."


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
That said, I'd still rather sweat than freeze! I find I hate the cold more each year.

When you are cold you can bundle up , for the heat there is no options , you can't take off your skin lol
Also for people that grow up in a colder climate the blood consistency is a little different than for people growing up in warmer climate .
I prefer it colder and always will , in the winter I like it around 68-69 F in summer around 73-75 F max , for my husband it is reversed , he love 65F in summer and 75F in winter , the battle of the thermostat continues .. :p


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Pole reversal has nothing to do with the tilt of the Earth's axis.
That is true , I watch a lot of documentaries on that subjects , Pole reversal is magnetic
The tilt of the axis does change,
Today, the Earth's axis is tilted 23.5 degrees from the plane of its orbit around the sun. But this tilt changes. During a cycle that averages about 40,000 years, the tilt of the axis varies between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees. Because this tilt changes, the seasons as we know them can become exaggerated and affecting very slowly the global climate.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I just talk to my sister in BC , already 95F at 10am in the morning , in the news they said it happening once in 1000 years for the jet stream to create the Ω pattern resulting in this unusual temperatures in the Pacific Northwest , they don't know 100% about the weather of tomorrow but know what happened 1000 years ago .. hmmm :whistling:
nothing of this is normal . that is clear .
The weather pattern I grow up with is now not even closer to what it once was , you don't need to be a scientist to see it , just living for some time and observe . It is a fast moving change , too fast to be natural .
Humans are a tropical species but very adaptive and as Dana mentioned in an early reply, wearing too much clothing in winter or spent hot summer under AC altering our natural abilities to cope with the cold or warm weather . Messing up our biological thermostat .


When you are cold you can bundle up , for the heat there is no options , you can't take off your skin lol
Also for people that grow up in a colder climate the blood consistency is a little different than for people growing up in warmer climate .
I prefer it colder and always will , in the winter I like it around 68-69 F in summer around 73-75 F max , for my husband it is reversed , he love 65F in summer and 75F in winter , the battle of the thermostat continues .. :p
All that said, I rather agree with it's easier to cool off than to stay warm. I will also say that for either, it depends on the day. A cool breeze or stream on a hot day does wonders. You can find a warm spot on a cold day, or duck under a shady tree on a warm day.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Temps are supposed to go up to close to 100 today where I am.

My poor little window air conditioner had been running continuously since yesterday morning, and was keeping my whole small home comfy.

It's a darned good thing we did that, because our power went out about a half hour ago (apparently there's a tree down on the power lines somewhere between me and the power company). They should be there now working on it so I hope it's fixed soon before this place starts to heat up!


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Thanks - it's back :). Only off about an hour and 20 minutes fortunately. Stayed comfy the whole time. Everyone under the heat dome - please stay safe!


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Temps are supposed to go up to close to 100 today where I am.

My poor little window air conditioner had been running continuously since yesterday morning, and was keeping my whole small home comfy.

It's a darned good thing we did that, because our power went out about a half hour ago (apparently there's a tree down on the power lines somewhere between me and the power company). They should be there now working on it so I hope it's fixed soon before this place starts to heat up!
Wow thankfully they restored it in time Alisa, same by my sister in BC , I think it was over 110 F today , when the power go down her TV exploded for not knowing reason , but they restored the power in no time .
Happy to hear you both OK !


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
All that said, I rather agree with it's easier to cool off than to stay warm. I will also say that for either, it depends on the day. A cool breeze or stream on a hot day does wonders. You can find a warm spot on a cold day, or duck under a shady tree on a warm day.
tell it to my husband working on construction building in 103 F on a humid day .. like today
no cool breeze, no stream, no lake, and in a shadow as hot ..

on a warm day maybe , not on a hot day ;)