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Todays Weather where you live?


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Ugh, Cath. That's beyond hot. and humidity makes it worse. Even when it's "hot" here (ie the 80s) it's not usually humid AND it cools down at night. Not like the east coast (where I grew up, so I know what it's like there!). We didn't even own a home air conditioner till a few years ago, and only got one because of wildfire smoke. Usually we can pull air in through window fans in the evening and early mornings and keep the place comfortable that way, but the smoke made that impossible.
That's the weather I like in summer , the spring this year was too short for me , I did not enjoyed much outdoors again and right now I do not go anywhere until it drop down again .
Lucky you ... beside the smook , my sister leaving in Surrey CA , she said the same , too much smoke can't open the windows, smoke from US


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
We don't have smoke now, but it's early in the fire season ;(. We get it from US and Canada...


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
We don't have smoke now, but it's early in the fire season ;(. We get it from US and Canada...
In general , not today of course
I have smoke everyday from the streets lol
finally it is cooling off but the humid getting up 63%


99 here today. As far as fire goes... Not too bad in this area but we did have smoke from big fires in Arizona this spring. Meanwhile the calendar hanging above my workstation at work has a disturbing photo this month. It seems that someone thought a shot of a wide system of falls with a pine forest along the top with part of it ON FIRE!!!!! (a ground fire that reaches half way up some of the trees) was a pretty!


Dances with Bees
My reward points just got a boost the other day.. :eek:

I now have 8,800 points and nothing to use them on :unsure: :happydance:

it's 13c ( 58f ) cold, overcast and still miserable


Supposed to be 37c/98f tomorrow with 80% humidity or higher (or as the Hobbits told me when they passed through it'll be "Mordor lava hot") and we have storm warnings for over night and into the morning/early afternoon... already had a tornado alert about an hour ago from the storm as it passed through a county further west of ours, so the storms are apparently severe though they haven't issued an alert for my region as yet...


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
We had a very hot and humid week here. 30+° and till 84 humidity . In the evenings storm, heavy rain.
But we explored the Jura anyway.
Yesterday we was visiting a site high up . The are ruins from an old defender castle. Beautiful . Rough to reach, 2.7 km up and down on legs, but worth it.
Funny, on the way up, they hide all over Knights :D
The Belvédère on the top is breathtaking . You see the whole Valley.


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Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Some more pics and a finish Maiko :D
On the last pic also a Knight hidden in the bushes.


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Sorry, I didn't say that right.

*looks at temperature reports PEOPLE ARE POSTING and melts* :)

Going to be warm here, for us, on Monday - 80 degrees. which is way above normal. It should be in the mid 60s or so.

I melt when it hits the upper 70s ;)

Yes, I fully acknowledge that I am a heat wimp... :p


Dances with Bees
beaut day today in glorious NSW but still cold

14c ( 58f ) blue skies and humidity at 78% and the kookaburras are laughing :shineon:


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
The early morning sky was today somehow creepy.
The whole week we had hot, humid temp. with thunderstorms and heavy rain. It changed from hot sunny to thunderstorm several times during the day.
Can even not make my daily big hike up in the mountains. Way to dangerous.
Order me now a Hometrainer bike to get my daily dose of sport.


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