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This Ain't Rocket Science...WIP thread


Dances with Bees
I tend to add aged to arms and legs, but it's not essential.

I use Chubby and Pear (in addition to Bulk that Glitter mentioned) quite a bit.

I rarely ... if ever ... use SuperModel or Voluptuous.

I really dislike definition. Just because it really messes up the abdomen muscles and requires a lot of restore/smooth in that area. And, if you have buttons, it wreaks havoc on them.


HW3D President
Staff member
Yeah, you might end up doing what you're most comfortable with.

We will probably all want something extra. I know how that goes.


Contributing Artist
Just got a new update for 3dcoat and grabbed a host of new pbr materials and some fun fabric and stitch brushes and tiles to go with it. Having a fun time. Here's a test play with the updated 'coat and mats.

ff test 5.jpg

I think I could seriously go overboard with texture creation on this one. :)


Contributing Artist
OK, finally had a chance to sit down, now that Harvey has moved on. Here's a second texture set for the outfit I've been working on. I hope now that things are slowly getting back to normal here, I can settle down and get the last few texture sets done and get this outfit tested and submitted.

ff test 6.jpg


Contributing Artist
ohhhhhh I want to play with textures for this when I finish what I've already got in the works! Awesome outfit!


Contributing Artist
Here's another set. This one showed up a small problem with the uvmap, so I'll need to look into that.

ff test 7.jpg

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Are the sleeves supposed to be a different color than than the top, as they look like slate grey, and the top is obviously black?


Contributing Artist
It's how the light is effecting the material. I need to adjust the lights for better coverage. They're actually both supposed to be more greenish tint.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
It looks good.
I'd like one without cut-outs and was going to use the Dawn Clothing MR set but not sur how much changing I need to do.
All I need is a solid one like the old V3 Catsuit.


Contributing Artist
OK, so here's what hope will be the first final texture set. I'm planning to do five pants textures with matching for the shorts and five tops with two different glove sets, one to match the pants and one to match the top. Also, five boot sets. How's that?

ff test 9.jpg ff test 9b.jpg ff test 9c.jpg