Oh but that's super EASY to handle! Below is a test render in Terradome2 I did in just a minute, scattering a hundred cubes over the terrain, complete with surface alignment. Here's how you do it, and you do it all without leaving Poser using what it already has.
1. Load Terradome2.
2. Open the Hierarchy Editor (CTRL+SHIFT+E)
3. From Terradome2, select the "AZone" part.
4. Open the Grouping Tool, and click "Create Prop", and make sure "AZone" is selected beforehand. Give the prop a name.
5. In the Hierarchy Editor, make "AZone" invisible.
6. Now scatter over the new prop you have created. It replaces the "AZone" from Terradome, and even inherits the materials automatically! Easy!
If you want to customize the AZone, just do it beforehand, and you're ready to go!