• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Stay Home - Spread Hope Render Challenge


Contributing Artist
Here is another--actually a reworked version of what was on the TV in the last picture of my previous picture series. I call it "Secret Garden."


Items Used:
Needful Things - Columns- A kobaltkween 3D Creation
Fantasy Gazebo - A HiveWire 3D Creation by Christopher Creek Art and Lisa's Botanicals
Flower Fountain and Bird Bath - A Lisa's Botanicals 3D Creation
A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Bell-Flower
A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Pansy
A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Asiatic Lily
A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Black-Eyed Susan
A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Tulips
A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Daylily


I would like to say a great big Thank You to Hivewire3D and the contributing artist who offered the freebies!!

Great images everyone!

Stay Home-Spread Hope items used:
Black-eyed Susans
House Cat
Fantasy Gazebo
Vintage Bicycle

I originally had several more flowers in there but decided to take them out because it was just to much.


Again, thank you for the freebies and the challenge :)
At last I manage to post an entry!

Title: "Be serious!"

Qualifying items:
Hiwewire House Cat (HW3D)
Tulips (by Lisa's Botanicals)
Pansy (by Lisa's Botanicals)
Gogmagog (used some grass from the set; by Caisson)

Other Items:
Millennium Cat (Daz)
End of the Tracks (by TangoAlpha)

Made in Carrara 8.5 Pro


Contributing Artist
Tropical Photo Op
Tropical Photo Op SML 2.jpg

Created with: Lisa's Botanicals Asian Lilies, Jungle Heat for Lisa's Botanicals Asian Lilies, Lisa's Botanicals Day Lily, Lisa's Botanicals Black-Eyed-Susans, Lisa's Botanicals Tropicals 2, Lisa's Botnaicals Palm Trees, Dawn SE, Sora for Dawn, Stars and Stripes for V4, Stars and Stripes Textures, Lisa's Botanicals Curious Grasses and Vines, Song Bird Remix Australia Vol 3, Nydo Hair for Genesis 8


And I managed to do one more entry!

Spring Flowers
Miss Kitty had never seen such gorgeous flowers. And look, some of them fly!
Spring Flowers.jpg

Rendered in Iray
Postwork in Pixelmator

Qualifying Items:

*Lisa’s Botanicals Black Eyed Susan - A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Black-Eyed Susan

*Lisa’s Botanicals: Day Lily - A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Daylily

*Lisa’s Botanicals Asiatic Lillies - A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Asiatic Lily

*Lisa’s Botanicals: Tulips - A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Tulips

*Hivewire Housecat - HiveWire House Cat - A HiveWire 3D Creation by CGCubed, Christopher Creek Art, and CWRW


Inspired by a science fiction story where the people lived on platforms high in the atmosphere where there was breathable air and water. The lower levels had toxic gases.
I used: three Lisa’s Botanicals Birdbath/fountain
Lisa’s Asiatic Lily, Black eyed Susans, Bell flowers,
Dawn and Diva
Made in Poser, Vue, and Photoshop


Title: Little Girl Lost

Spread the Hope free items used:

Lisa's Botanicals - Potted Palm
Lisa's Botanicals - Petunia
Needfull Things Columns - column_1 small_1
Hive Wire3D - Housecat

Other items used:

Daz3D - Genesis 8 Female
GM Alice 8 and textures for Genesis 8 Female
junuehara - Lantern Sleeve Lolita Dress (Outfit) for Genesis 8 Female
Daz Originals / Tofusan - Short Pigtails for Genesis 8 Female and G3F

Rendered in IRAY (DAZ3D Studio 4.12)

little girl lost.jpg


  • little girl lost.jpg
    little girl lost.jpg
    960.1 KB · Views: 308


Contributing Artist
Nice work guys!! I love seeing everyone's take on things. Last one for a while .......... Time constraints ! Sigh @luannemarie Love your pastel colored wings on Whisper!! Fabulous touch!!

Relaxing With Some Feline Friends
Feline Friends SML.jpg

Created With: HiveWire 3D Lion Family, CWRW's White Lion coat textures, Lisa's Botanicals Asian Lilies, Jungle Heat for Lisa's Botanicals Asian Lilies, Lisa's Botanicals Black-Eyed-Susans, Lisa's Botanicals Potted Fern, Seasons Tableau, Fern Lake, Ultimate Butterfly Scatter, Primal Scream outfit, Genesis 8, Lisa's Botanicals Curious Grasses and Vines, Charlie Hair for Genesis 8