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Stay Home - Spread Hope Render Challenge




I finally got to my third and there's still so many items I want to get to use! This one features Gogmagog, Asiatic Lily (I actually bought these ages ago since lilies are my favorite flowers, but first time using them!), Black-Eyed Susans, Bell Flowers, and Greens for Fallen Tree.

Love is Colorblind

They met when she was hunting beyond the walls of the port. He saved her from a beast when she'd lost her footing and he'd shared a meal with her. Morcundu and Tarwen became fast friends in spite of the distrust and animosity between their races. They spent many hours hunting and training together becoming ever closer to one another. Morcundu shared with her his favorite and most sacred spaces, and his heart. After a long day of training and enjoying themselves, they take a moment to watch the sunset before returning to their respective lodgings for the night.

Setup and rendered in DAZ Studio 4.12 Public Build Beta. Postwork in Photshop Elements 8.0.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
That's a beautiful render Shanarah. You got the sunset lighting just right. ;)


That's a beautiful render Shanarah. You got the sunset lighting just right. ;)
Thanks Miss B! :) I used an old HDRI from DimensionTheory that was made for the Reality plugin. I'd hoped to use it with LUX Render DS in DS3Pro, but couldn't figure out how to apply it at the time, and I couldn't afford the Reality plugin either. They work really nice with Iray now though!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I didn't start using HDRi images until I came back to Poser, so not sure how you would've used them in DS.

Hubert Holin


Thank you for your generosity! This is actually the first time that I participate in a challenge (and there is no doubt it shows!).

Stay Home - Spread Hope items:

Gogmagog (moved things a bit…)
HW3D House cat
Fantasy Gazebo
Pansy (I actually had bought a version in another era…)

More items:

CWRW Calicos for the HW House Cat
Flinks Spring Ground

and a glowing ball!

The image's title is: The Warden of Daydreams

(there is actually a weak pun between the image's english title and the french name for pansies - unfortunately untranslatable in either language…)

Made in Poser 11.3 with Superfly, and post work (curves) in Affinity Photo.

The Warden of Daydreams.jpg

carmen indorato

So many great renders and so much talent, big question is, has this talent always been there and artists were just hiding it or is the 'downtime' the stay at home orders have given everyone time to explore. Whatever the reason it is great to see such a range of ideas make it into the light of day. I hope that such talents are on show long after the pandemic is only a memory.

Yeah, about that, I am so misfortunate that of all the times I would have loved to sit and create ALL DAY LONG, I have no computer able to do the task. My render computer died before the first of the year.....sometime last April, actually, when it started to thumb its nose at me and just reboot on its own mid renders/set-ups, I HAVE BEEN DEAD IN THE CREATIVE WATERS EVER SINCE FROM UNWILLINGNESS TO INVEST IN YET ANOTHER TOO EXPENSIVE COMPUTER, (sorry not shouting damn cap lock key). Really frustrating.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
Yeah, about that, I am so misfortunate that of all the times I would have loved to sit and create ALL DAY LONG, I have no computer able to do the task.
Yeah, hearing you. I do renders in little sections with older software (like each piece and then assemble in 2D software). My biggest computer will not run the latest software. I have absolutely no clue how big a computer would have to be to do some of the pictures that seem to be all one render, but I'm pretty sure I can't afford one of those. (Not on the very limited income I have.) It takes me days to assemble some things making sure all the shadows are right. Even so, there are some things (like Whisper) which almost do not run even when they're the only thing loaded in to be posed and rendered.


Contributing Artist
Dancing Without a Care
Dancing Without a Care.jpg

Freebies Used:
Molar Island
Dawn using RAMs Mixed Poses for Dawn
HW Horse Wisper
HW House Cat (if you can find him hiding in the flowers lol)
Lisa's Asiatic Lily (texture is one of NapalmArsenals)

Others from the Hive: Nature's Wonders Giant Moths, HW Big Dog wearing Sparky's new Wolf.


Just a quickie,

Title: Garden Flowers

Spread the Hope free items used:

Lisa's Botanicals - Daylily
Lisa's Botanicals - Potted Palm
Lisa's Botanicals - Tulips
Lisa's Botanicals - Black Eyed Susan

Rendered in IRAY (DAZ3D Studio 4.12)

garden flowers.jpg


  • garden flowers.jpg
    garden flowers.jpg
    934.9 KB · Views: 328


I saw your post this morning Rowan and carmen. I know what you are saying. I got a refurbished computer and am making payments on it for another year. It gives me problems sometimes but works.


Love your set of pictures 3WC. Definitely awesome. Here is my humble effort. I have five cats in it. For a while I stared at it thinking that would be all I could include from the freebies. This morning inspiration hit. Floating in the water is Lisa's Black-eyed susan. For the third I put a bell flower on the hull/bow of the sail boat instead of the name. Here is 'The Thief'.