Thanks, guys! ^.^
I'm not familiar with wyrsa, but from google images, they sure look cool. Like dragon-greyhounds.
...I can see the Gorgons of Olympus emerging there, and the ancient Gods from the Veda's, and, and, and.....
That's just the sort of thing I like to hear! ;-)
I've been doing quite a bit of work on this guy. Originally, I had the base model in A-pose, because it's easier to do weightmaps and the like, and I also figured it was more neutral. As I continued to develop species morphs on that A-pose base, I discovered that it was not ideal: it's harder to place the feet on the floor properly, so it's more work to pose it, there was a certain amount of distortion in the feet and body partial morphs when combined with (non-matching) body morphs, less user-friendly, etc... So I've spent today putting the base geometry and rig into T-pose instead. A significant change, I had to redo several of my shapes, but I have my new base.
Horselion accomplished!
No JCMs, yet, so there are some weird bends in the legs with the horse body shape applied, but overall working pretty good, I think. The base will have no JCMs, so that each species can have its own corrective morphs without worrying about interference from unnecessary JCMs causing the need for even more corrective morphs to correct the over-correction of underlying JCMs, lol.
I'm thinking all the basic body and head shaping morphs and expressions will exist on the base with mcms for each species, so that the majority of expressions and shaping will survive changing from one species to another. That should help facilitate transformation animations and stuff, too. Tomorrow, I'll begin compiling a list of generic body and face shaping morphs and expressions to include in the default figure. I'll begin sculpting the morphs once the species base shapes and their corresponding teeth are complete.
As teeth are concerned...I am debating whether I should create a set of all-purpose teeth with enough tooth geometry to make proper teeth for each of most species; or to make separate teeth for each species. On many of the species there would be alot of hidden geometry if I went all-purpose. It would be more versatile and make for smoother transitions between species (as for transformation animations), but it would be less optimized and require me to think ahead to the species I might create that would have the most teeth. Separate sets of jaws would require less forethought, but also be less versatile. I'm leaning toward all-purpose (lots of teeth) jaws, but would anyone like to weigh in?
To aid in cross-compatibility between the shapes, all the species will be about the same size, and differences in scale will be handled with the general scale dial. I'm thinking that there will be several partial morphs that can be dialed individually or by a "master" dial for the species that will drive all the partials as well as anything else needed to complete a particular animal, and the scale will be driven from there. That way, you can mix and blend morphs from all the different species without having to worry too much about weird size-related distortion. Obviously not all the shapes will blend seamlessly, but I'll do my best to make them work together as well as possible.
I think the next species I'll try making will be an eagle, so that griffons and hippogriffs will be a ready possibility from the start. Not sure how long it will take to model the wings, though. Feathered wings have always seemed like such a time-consuming task to me. I also want to put a crocodile and hippo on the list so the figure could become Ammit. But those would likely be further down the line.
The desire to make griffons and hippogriffs puts lions, horses, and eagles in the top 3, but I'm not sure what else to shortlist. I'm thinking a wolf would be good. The bear is closer to completion than the others, since I could re-purpose the texture I made for the HWDog-based bear I made ages ago. Would anyone like to make a request?
Sorry for getting all technical and rambling, I thought it might help me to lay down a roadmap, and maybe get some feedback if you guys have any thoughts on it. ^.^ This might not have happened if it wasn't almost 5 o'clock in the morning, when I got up at 8 yesterday morning and haven't slept. But maybe that's for the best. LOL