They can't be hacked short of someone hacking one of the two companies that can access them online or bringing an infected USB up into the office and plugging it into one of the towers. We have a hardware firewall that only allows a few very specific sites through either in or out and only the company that handles the security can alter it's settings. No surfing the internet on either computer. Simply can't be done. Which I am extremely glad of. The problems I had back when they could be used that way got very annoying.I hope they don't get hacked when the holes are no longer plugged by MS. They'll find out that it's much more costly than upgrading the OS.
Once when we had only one server a tech had to come over from Lubbock, boot the computer in safe mode. run ESET and the Malwarebyts. THisa was on a Win 98 machine. I just clocked out and went home as I couldn't do anything that day.