• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Technical question for DS4 users. The default location for the cms folder is the C:\ drive. If I move it to my D:\ drive and change the content installer to point to the new location, will that mess things up? The cms folder is filling up my drive.

I am still using DS 4.0, but I changed the location of the library in the DIM, it's on a different drive altogether from the installation drive of DS itself, and it works. I also have other runtimes for things not bought at DAZ and they're on another drive still, and they work, too. I don't know if they've broken that in the newest release, but I kind of doubt it.

I hope I didn't answer a question that you didn't ask.



Rendo article about Poser 11.2 and a tribute to SAV and Simon-3D.



Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Technical question for DS4 users. The default location for the cms folder is the C:\ drive. If I move it to my D:\ drive and change the content installer to point to the new location, will that mess things up? The cms folder is filling up my drive.

I know I have a second Daz Studio folder on my backup drive D:/ and it works fine.


Oh yeah...I used to love SAV's work, and it was sad when she passed. I didn't know about Simon-3D....I've used his stuff a lot too....so when I saw the article, I thought maybe you all would want to see it as well.



These two new freebies at Rendo caught my eye...they are add-ons for Karanta's Lena Dress for La Femme. The dress has lengthen morphs, which, together with the add-on textures, allow the dress to be used for biblical illustration scenes. There are also fits for other female characters, including Dawn, V4, Project Evolution, Pauline, Genesis 2 and 3. Maja may be interested in this info, especially about multi-figure fitting.

Free Styles 1 for Lena Dress for La Femme by karanta

Morph Expansion for LF Lena Dress by karanta




Good evening. :) That is a wonderful render all right.
Halloween candy is about half gone at the store and the fall and Christmas tea shippers have come in. We have a nice mix of them. Last year those sold pretty well so these should too.


Good morning Dani :)

Because I've had to rebuild Poser from a clean install, I've discovered some things about Poser 11.2. If you kept your former P11.1 runtime, you probably didn't notice this. The Construct materials are no longer part of the Poser installation and support files. Instead, they have been put in the ZZLegacyPoser11-installminimum_basic file. Actually, without installing this file, the Construct only has the beige option, with no icon, and no other material options. A new user would be unaware of how to find the Construct materials, and with doing a clean install, they would be limited to the one material option. Once the ZZLegacyPoser11-installminimum_basic file is installed (or an experienced user could just copy the Construct materials into the proper folder), the Construct materials are then populated as demonstrated below. This is one of the pitfalls of trying to do beta testing alongside already installed content....since one is not getting a accurate picture of what is there, and what is not there.



Linda, just thought I'd leave a message here for you...that DAZ Studio 4.12 seems to be setting itself up correctly this time, and I don't really know what I did right this time. I began the installation differently from usual...that is, I went to the DAZ site and clicked on the free software link, as if I was a new customer, and then allowed the install manager to mange everything. I've left Studio up the whole time as it has been populating the smart content, and sure enough, I'm seeing things where they should be...so hopefully when it's finally done, I'll be able to use it without working around missing content. The process takes a long time...it's been working on it for 24 hours so far.


Linda B

Yes it does take ages. I'm still working on getting mine set up right and everything installed correctly. Last time I installed content, when I opened DS4, so much content in the smart content tab still had to be installed using the install tab. Not sure what went wrong. So I'm reinstalling everything.

Have a good day everyone! Also, it's National Work from Home week. Yay me! And National Customer Service week too. Used to do that but there wasn't a week for it then. So many National [insert whatever it is] days\weeks nowadays.


Working with the Hivewire Cat this morning, and finally have gotten around to creating a pose fix for the paws. By default the paws are spread, with claws slightly showing...so I took time this morning to create a zero pose with the paws fixed, and a standing pose also, for a convenient starting point, to save having to take time to do that each time. I've zipped these two poses in a runtime folder and attached them to this thread, if anyone is interested in having them.




  • HW CAT PAW FIX.zip
    403.2 KB · Views: 219