• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Yeah, Janet....that's about how I felt when I realized nothing I was doing was going to fix the Win10 workstation. I'm holding on to the last hope that it will self-correct after leaving it offline for awhile. Otherwise, I'll have to do the best I can limping along on older stuff. I was all set to do Andy animations using the new space pod in the Hivewire store when I discovered the problem, so it really threw a hammer in my morning.

So now I'm off to the kitchen, for a meal, and to set up an old laptop to hopefully do downloading, so I may at times be slower at responding to email or the forum because of having to shift back and forth so much. Just wanted you all to know that I'm having some challenges, and not just disappearing with no explanation.

Later . . .


Linda B

Oh no! That's horrible, Sky. *hugs* That's why I have a defunct pc sitting in my office. No funds to fix it...which I could do myself if could afford the parts. Alas medical bills and necessities have first dibs on my paycheck. At least if my laptop goes, I still have my husband's old one.


Hey Linda :) Thought I'd check in while I could. Have the laptop set up and the remaining P11.2 downloads are flying down at a much faster rate today...at least so far they are. I've got the essentials already installed now in my backup Win7 workstation, and now I'm copying my scene files and updating my external runtimes to be compatible with what I was working on during the past couple of weeks. That's what's so disorienting about something like this...for awhile you can't find anything when it's needed. But I'll get it eventually. I do have to be careful though about the internet connection on this workstation, and let the old laptop do the connection stuff. So much for convenience and progress....haha. That poor laptop was my work mule for years...it's got loose keys on it now....haha. I retired it to being a gaming computer a few years ago.

Know what you mean about medical bills and necessities have to come first. I had some doozie deductibles, and procedures that the insurance company had agreed to cover, but failed to pay...so two years after my surgeries I was still getting large bills that I chose to cover rather than fight. I kept seeing on the news where the company was getting repeatedly sued for failure to cover life-threatening care, so I figured my chances of being reimbursed were slim. Once I got all that behind me, I could breathe a little, but when I was going through it, things were very tight. When you're in that position, you just do what you have to do in order to keep going.

That's one reason it's so disgusting to me to have perfectly good computer equipment ruined...like it's easy come, easy go. It's not easy, and especially with physical limitations, it's down right difficult. When I was younger I could left large tower hard drives all over the place and think nothing of it, but now I only have one hand free, and I'm older and not as strong. That's why I refer to it as being like the special olympics...haha....thankfully I haven't fallen yet trying to work through this mess. It's just after awhile you start asking yourself, is this worth it? I enjoy it so much, and it keeps my days more interesting and entertaining to create things....but something has got to start looking up soon.

Well, time to go check the laptop and continue the download process. See you folks later :)



Now I'm back on my workstation, while the laptop is downloading the FlowScape update to version 6. The E key is broken on my laptop, so in order to type an E, I have to copy and paste one from another location...haha...so text has to be brief when I post from it :) I'm backing up my Poser 11.2 installation files on the archive so I never have to face all that downloading again, and I'll be able to finish restoring my P11 runtime. I missed my afternoon nap, so I'm starting to nod a little :)



So sorry that I dropped out of sight....lost the internet connection again on the main Windows 10 workstation, and this time nothing is working to bring it back, so I'm back on the Windows 7 backup workstation. I'm so glad to keep throwing my money away on "disposable" hard drives! I should never have done all those beta build downloads. But I guess someone retired on a fixed income should naturally be willing to support all the companies and their profits....goodness knows, we have to support their profits...haha. I guess you can tell I'm steamed over this. I'm at the "just walk away" point....or I'll beat the drive to little pieces of metal with my baseball bat.... Poser 11 license and all the other binding software licenses included. Another $500 gone...one completely dead Windows 10 drive, and another now that refuses to work on the internet, which leaves all the financially manipulative, internet-dependent, trendy new software absolutely useless, or at least future-less. This little stroll through the threshold of "progress" over the past year has left a lot to be desired. I'll just have to do the best I can with what little I have left for the time being. And I certainly hate posting this....but there's no way that folks can understand my complete and total frustration with this current looping technical idiocy...fix one thing, two things break....fix two things, another thing breaks, fix another thing, three things break....and doing it with a physical handicap, and on a fixed income. It's like the millennial special olympics or something.

My only comfort at this point is knowing that someday, since advancing age is inevitable for us all, that others will eventually understand the situation that they have contributed to creating. I'm old enough to remember just powering on my Windows XP drive, and enjoying the software that I had purchased on CD's, either ordered by mail or bought in a store....and sending "text" messages by email and instant messages, sometimes for hours, for free. And yes, our 3D critters from back then are called "Legacy" now. But, I still have those Windows XP drives...they still function...and so does the "Legacy" content. Will we really be able to say the same for the "new and improved"....I know I can't truthfully say it...since so far it hasn't lasted and remained functional for at least six months...or at best is endlessly caught in the millennial loop.

I used to wonder what would motivate otherwise creative folks to stay in decade old software, rowing upstream against the current of popular trends, or take a seat up on the bank, safely just observing it all go by....but I'm starting to understand how they got there. I'm not sure that's a solution, but rather just apathy gone to seed. A more creative response would be how to more effectively use and improve the old, rather than casting it aside to be trampled underfoot in the path of progress. Terre, I hope you won't mind my using your husband as an example here. Jim Farris is still using the P4 people....and before you start snickering, he's re-rigged the characters for more realistic movement. He uses Poser (I think he's using PP2014 now) for the purpose for which it was created...original character creation.

Well I'm finally winding down. I still have no idea how to deal with all the losses over the recent months. For example, I haven't even completed downloading my Poser 11.2 software. Do I risk my last functioning backup workstation to get it? No...I don't think so. Maybe I can rig up an old laptop to do it. Back to the special olympics.

No problem here. Jim finds it amusing that people often mistake his customized Posette for the latest Vicky. If you want to see what he's done more recently with her look here: White Gryphon Publishing In The Specialists Ann is played by his modded Posette. In The Amaranthine Quest she plays Meril. Warning: Some scenes in both stores aren't work safe.


Well, with the downloading finished, I'm finally up and running on the older workstation, with Poser 11.2 and the majority of my current runtimes. I'll work more on that tomorrow. Meanwhile, I worked a little on the promo for the next Poser cat free pose set...which will be called The Cat Came Back. Haha. Notice how the eyes render clearly when the Eyetrans diffuse setting is changed from white to black.

I am so sorry, Sky! {{hugs}} I have only the desktop computer and I know that I have gone to pieces when it has died throughout the years. Thankfully, each time my husband has managed to not only get it back up and running but to also save all of my files.


Good morning Dani :) So far I'm successfully adapting my Windows 7 backup to everything I was doing before. I was concerned about FlowScape, but it is even doing the latest build, version 6, released two days ago. There are some new desert plants in it this time...and I read where he wants to tweak the floating boat's behavior some more. Here are the new changes.

I somehow land on my feet each time I have computer difficulties...guess one could say that my "heavenly husband" gets busy and shows me how to work it out. So far my old laptop that I had in storage is doing the heavy downloading :)

I was concerned about it over-heating, with such lengthy times of downloading....so I put it on a kitchen hot mat and turned a fan on it....haha....how's that for state-of-the-art, high tech stuff? Haha :)

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Hey Maja :) I see you've been busy...looking good :)

If anyone is interested, here's a driver pose for Andy, using the new Elfen Beyond at Hivewire. Just parent Andy to the pod seat and then go for a ride :) The pose is zipped in a runtime folder and attached to this thread post. Have fun with it :)



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