So sorry that I dropped out of sight....lost the internet connection again on the main Windows 10 workstation, and this time nothing is working to bring it back, so I'm back on the Windows 7 backup workstation. I'm so glad to keep throwing my money away on "disposable" hard drives! I should never have done all those beta build downloads. But I guess someone retired on a fixed income should naturally be willing to support all the companies and their profits....goodness knows, we have to support their profits...haha. I guess you can tell I'm steamed over this. I'm at the "just walk away" point....or I'll beat the drive to little pieces of metal with my baseball bat.... Poser 11 license and all the other binding software licenses included. Another $500 completely dead Windows 10 drive, and another now that refuses to work on the internet, which leaves all the financially manipulative, internet-dependent, trendy new software absolutely useless, or at least future-less. This little stroll through the threshold of "progress" over the past year has left a lot to be desired. I'll just have to do the best I can with what little I have left for the time being. And I certainly hate posting this....but there's no way that folks can understand my complete and total frustration with this current looping technical idiocy...fix one thing, two things break....fix two things, another thing breaks, fix another thing, three things break....and doing it with a physical handicap, and on a fixed income. It's like the millennial special olympics or something.
My only comfort at this point is knowing that someday, since advancing age is inevitable for us all, that others will eventually understand the situation that they have contributed to creating. I'm old enough to remember just powering on my Windows XP drive, and enjoying the software that I had purchased on CD's, either ordered by mail or bought in a store....and sending "text" messages by email and instant messages, sometimes for hours, for free. And yes, our 3D critters from back then are called "Legacy" now. But, I still have those Windows XP drives...they still function...and so does the "Legacy" content. Will we really be able to say the same for the "new and improved"....I know I can't truthfully say it...since so far it hasn't lasted and remained functional for at least six months...or at best is endlessly caught in the millennial loop.
I used to wonder what would motivate otherwise creative folks to stay in decade old software, rowing upstream against the current of popular trends, or take a seat up on the bank, safely just observing it all go by....but I'm starting to understand how they got there. I'm not sure that's a solution, but rather just apathy gone to seed. A more creative response would be how to more effectively use and improve the old, rather than casting it aside to be trampled underfoot in the path of progress. Terre, I hope you won't mind my using your husband as an example here. Jim Farris is still using the P4 people....and before you start snickering, he's re-rigged the characters for more realistic movement. He uses Poser (I think he's using PP2014 now) for the purpose for which it was created...original character creation.
Well I'm finally winding down. I still have no idea how to deal with all the losses over the recent months. For example, I haven't even completed downloading my Poser 11.2 software. Do I risk my last functioning backup workstation to get it? No...I don't think so. Maybe I can rig up an old laptop to do it. Back to the special olympics.