P11.2 serial is working, but the last install was in really bad shape. They had just stripped all the old content out, and left a butt-naked La Femme on the loading page, and apparently it was conflicting with the old default Andy load, so I was getting a lot of error prompts that I'd never seen before....programming type of stuff. It was a mess. I went to load the Blackie cat, to check the posing, and it wouldn't show properly in the preview mode....so I just gave up. I felt like somebody had just stolen my favorite 3D program, and it didn't sit well. I know they'll get the bugs worked out, but somebody has got their work cut out for them. They've focused so much on branding, links and store searches that they forgot to check how all this was panning out, especially after the content was stripped out. Now I wish I had the option to just stay with Poser 11.1....at least it would be compatible with all my other content, old and new....and all my scene files and animations. But they had announced early on that everyone would have to upgrade due to the Smith-Micro serial issue. So....I just put it aside and am trying not to think about it...and I didn't want to use up my serial installations on betas that were getting worse instead of better.
You asked about animation...I'd like to see the type of thing that Studio, iClone and FlowScape are doing....oceans, water movement, fluid simulation, particles, fire, fog, rain, and animation paths for vehicles....and on, and on, and on....what the rest of the 3D world is doing. But no...we have to explore all the skimp-wear possibilities for yet another figure....AGAIN....under the "sex sells" banner....which is yellowed and full of holes by now...and most of us are getting way too old for that stuff anyway. Just a browse through Rendo's products tells all we need to know. And yeah, once in awhile, something of really great quality floats to the top....and then quickly disappears out of sight. Poser will be departing from its character creation roots. But then again, the Poser Housecat wouldn't be so homely if somebody had taken even a little interest in creating one decent skin for him. Look around....how many Poser owners are producing anything of quality for free download any more....Maja was putting us all to shame in that area, since her work was truly exceptional. And what are we doing with it? Paul and Pauline, new weight-mapped figures, being stuck on a legacy collection server. They were actually created for Poser 11. It's beyond excuse. That's enough to be said....what's done is done...it's just not at all where I thought this would be going. I'm glad that Hivewire will be included, and they certainly have nice animals to contribute. My issues are more about ripping Poser 11 apart so that we have nothing left should we want to go back to Poser 11.1....it's not an option apparently, though I don't understand why that one thing couldn't be fixed and redirected away from Smith-Micro mothership calls...so it feels like our program was stolen from us, not necessarily intentional, by the circumstances surrounding the Smith-Micro sale. This total remake could have been saved for Poser 12....and then we'd have the option to purchase, or not purchase....and they wouldn't be rushing to get so much ready just for a serial number activation release. It was too much too fast. I'll download it when it's released, and I'll install it....but it depends on how it behaves as to whether I'll use it...it just feels like three Poser 11 licenses, down the drain....and it was only my favorite program.