I'm using the Sept 5, 10 pm build now of Poser 11.2 beta.
Janet asked the question if there are any animals in the new Poser. Yes, there's an installer, but so far, the only thing I'm seeing in the file tree is the Poser 8 dog, a snake, a dregon, and the bighorn sheep (that is Users/Public Documents/Poser 11 Content...). The rest is just thumbnails of the animals that use to populate Poser. None of them are showing in the actual content folder within Poser. I noticed this yesterday....and it still is the case today. So, I'm having a "save the animals" response, which is why I collected all the animals from PP2012 and PP2014, and placed them in a protected runtime. The reasons for all this may become clear later, as we get deeper into beta testing. I'm sure at first they will be focusing on high priority issues, like making sure everyone's copy of Poser is accepting valid serials, and eliminating any priority "broken" areas in the code.
Because all the downloads are enormous to be doing daily, I decided to just focus on one area, so that my internet connection doesn't give up on me...haha. So, I'm taking a close look at the Poser animals, and how we can show them a little love, and what they need moving forward. That way, I can keep up with the downloading of daily builds by just doing the two program essential files, and then the animals file, to see if there are any changes.
This render was done in the Sept 5, 10 pm build. In it I'm showing the
preset poses that were included in Poser Pro 2012 and 2014. The giant octopus has an excellent, incredibly detailed pose. The dolphin and bear appear to work well. There is only one "new" animal....created evidently for the release of Poser 8....the Poser 8 dog, the Doberman sitting next to Andy. He works fine. The three "Poser originals" on the right hand side, marked in red....the horse, the first version wolf, and the first version dog....still have potential, but preset poses sometimes don't work well. The grey wolf and the big tan dog next to Andy work fairly well, and only sometimes require adjustment to preset poses (for example, the big dog's sitting pose has problems with the hind legs). And finally, the cat. It took me awhile to figure out that the preset poses were probably designed for the Poser original cat. They work with the version two cat, but all of them fail to pose the tail correctly, so it has to be done manually. Oh, and let's not forget the fish...he has no preset poses, and has to be done manually....which is no big deal.
I hope the animals can get a little love...they've been faithfully just sitting there in the Poser runtime for a long time, and are an important part of Poser's history.
I'll try to take a closer look at the dinosaurs today, while keeping up with the beta builds. The latest build installed fine without a problem, and recognized my serial during the initial opening. And this time I was able to use my existing preferences, which means I still had my runtime list intact after re-installing the new beta. The first beta was a lot more work, since it was necessary to wipe out everything for a clean install...so I had to build my content library list again. Now I can just re-use my preferences file each time and avoid those time-consuming details.