• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



That's the main reason I have this thread, so I'm glad to do it. I should have named it SKYLAB 3D CHAT, or maybe like I did on DAZ, it was called "SKYLAB Discussion, Free Stuff and Tutorials", or something like that. It's intended to be a teaching thread for beginners. Occasionally it veers off center into being a chat only situation, and then I gently tap it back on course, since there are already lots of threads on this forum that have a loose, chatty format already, and if we bury all this information under dozens of pages of loose chat, nobody will have the perseverance to pursue the resources later. If you click back through the pages in this thread, it is loaded with tutorials and information. There's a whole section on dynamic clothing in Poser, and a section that reviews rigged vehicles, and more recently, a section where we re-post a lot of the old renders that were originally in the Nursoda character SLON STRANGER thread on DAZ....and of course, all throughout the thread are links to hundreds of freebies and YouTube tutorials. I like to do this as my way of giving back to the 3D community, since I had to primarily use freebies in order to even get started in all this....and I know that younger folks coming along are doing the same thing now as I did a decade ago. Also, us seniors need a break these days, since stuff like health care and cost of living can shrink the 3D budget sometimes. So, enjoy the FlowScape tutorial, and anything else that you find here....and you can make me happy by posting some things that you create. I'd love to see this thread become more productive...whether it's renders, animations, tutorials, project walk-thru, models, poses, backgrounds, 2D art work, clay creations....or FlowScape landscapes of course.....haha. And we have the benefit of not being a contest type of scenario, where critiquing is going on...it's just free, family-friendly expression. Sometimes I post my blunders, or less than perfect work, for the purpose of teaching. The Andy drone animations that I just did were examples of that....I started the project with animation experiments, then it began to take shape as a story later. I think folks develop a fear of their work not being "good enough" when they get accustomed to seeing render contests. So hopefully this will be a place to relax from all that, and just enjoy creating and sharing. We never know how we can encourage others with what we share.

ok, well i didn't realize this wasn't a chat thread. oops. aceo art cards, watercolor,august 29, and the first week of september, 2005. angel of katrina, and angelfisses. originally posted on the ebay art board, long defunct.


  • angelfisses.JPG
    61.4 KB · Views: 226


Hey Ladyfur....I've been dozing in front of the weather channel, and am feeling my breakfast bell going off. They are saying that Dorian is wobbling a little toward the west which puts the coastal towns in Georgia, South Carolina and Hatteras more in the updated path of the storm. Thankfully the projected course of the eye of the storm still bends eastward at Hatteras, sparing Nags Head of the worst, but the outer bands of the storm's surge and wind will, of course, affect nearby areas. It's still a Cat 2 storm, with 105 mph wind.

Oh, and about the "chat" thread....like I said, I should have named the thread differently, but that was the suggested name way back in forum history, even before we lost the first forum in fall of 2015. When we returned online in January of 2016, I just named the thread the same, without thinking too much about it at the time, mostly so folks could find us, since they were used to that name. Not too many people happen along who haven't seen the thread before. I guess the upside of having a name like that is that it takes the pressure off to rigidly stay on topic all the time. Our "topics" are all over the road...and that's fine....we do seasons of light chat in between projects and stuff. But I've noticed lately that folks who are new to the thread have been hesitant to click back even a couple of pages....it's like anything on a previous page is gone and forever forgotten to them. So that's what I mean about pages of light chat "burying" the projects and researched information....there's a fine line, or a sweet spot, somewhere around a page or two, of chat breaks, and then resuming useful content, that keeps the momentum of the thread going without it slipping into another sleepy little social media clone. I've wished many times that the forum threads had the ability to do both simultaneously....that is, an embedded chat box alongside the thread itself...so that folks could chat away as much as they wanted while posting their work and projects, and each participant could have the option to individually save the chat if they wanted to, while maintaining the permanent projects. That way when newcomers clicked in to the thread, they wouldn't think, oh, this is just a bunch of chat, and then click back out....and....the thread wouldn't be over 400 pages long....hahaha. So, all that to say, no problem...we do light chat here too....but I hope that I'm explaining this in a way that makes sense....if it's been three to five pages since anything useful has been posted, it changes the dynamics of the thread, especially for newcomers. I was pondering it while resting in front of the TV....and the answer at this point may be that I have to create a "map" of the thread, and just bounce that map of links forward during down times, so that stuff remains easy to find, without diminishing the importance of our friendliness....because both are needed and appreciated here.

And....thanks for posting Shadow's first walk through FlowScape :) I hope he will continue to post his progress....it will be cool to look back on the learning process. I can't wait to get in there and click around to figure out how to get a thunder storm and lightning going, but I'm still at the stage of it taking awhile to build the scene, so I'll get out my PDF tutorial cheat sheet and pick my way along too....haha. But at first it may be a lone tree with a lightning strike :)

And finally, thanks for posting your work too Ladyfur. That's what we need to see. I'll always love fishy pics :)

Just as all of creation speaks volumes about our creator...what we create speaks volumes about us.

Okay, it's breakfast time....and Jo will have his fins on his hips, waiting for his breakfast too....haha.



Yep, you got it....haha :) And he flips water on me, like a dolphin, if I don't pay attention right away to his meal time...haha. Sometimes I forget and sit down to eat, and next thing I know, SPLAT, I have wet arm....his aim is excellent....haha. 3D Universe needs to do a Jo Goldfish :)



Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Apologies for hijacking your thread one more time Sky but it's been such a tense morning. My 17 year old kitty had dental work done this morning. The teeth part was easy it was the anesthesia I was so concerned about. I knew it was going to be a tough morning when I overshot the road my house was on.

Anyway I've been watching my email all morning as that is how the vet contacts me. Just saw new email, opened it up and saw it was from the vet and my heart stopped. Anyway this is what she wrote:

Zad is in recovering and doing well I love him

we did not have to extract any teeth- he had gingivitis under all tht tartar and receded gums but no cavities (osteopcalstic lesions)

we did find that the cartilage joint between the two sides of his mandible is loose - but held together by his gum tissue i have notes about avoiding letting him grab anything with the front of his mouth like atoy on string to protect that area

give a call and speak to April in a couple of hours to see how he is waking up and set a go home time

we will leave the catheter in for a bit longer

Dr Nan

SO YEA!!!!!


Right...that's it :) The first install file was time stamped 4:07 pm. So you've got the right thing :) I'm sitting here, twiddling my thumbs while the second download is progressing along.

I posted this in another thread, so I'll just mention it here. Content Paradise was supposed to have been shut down Sept 2, but I was able to log in today in order to get all my Poser serials, and the upgrade serials that were attached, plus the purchase dates. So, if you made any purchases at CP, you might want to try logging in before they shut down access altogether.
