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Am I the only one who remembers this? He was my hero when I was little...haha....KAA-BONG! I had a stuffed Quickdraw that I carried everywhere I went. It looked like this...they are collectors items now. Mine was nearly bald, like the Velveteen Rabbit, when I finally gave him up...haha.


...and Snuffles, his dog :)



OK, I found out something today. They borrowed things. Snuffles floated when he got a dog biscuit. Precious did that laugh, with the wheezing sound. But Snidely Whiplash's dog, Muttley, did the floating and the same laugh.



You asked about the dog Precious, over in the Rendo Poser thread, and I didn't want to wear out my welcome there with off topic stuff....but there was a dog that my dad used to imitate all the time...he had an unusual laugh...that was Muttley.

Apparently Precious had the same laugh:



Right...I remember seeing a documentary about Mel Blanc (did all my favorite Looney Tunes characters)...and after being involved in a very serious car accident, during his recovery, he did some of the voices for Hanna Barbera, lying flat on his back in bed. . Barney on the Flintstones even sounds like that. So, some of the cross-over characters could have been Mel Blanc's voice.



The Looney Tunes were my favorites! The Flintstones and The Jetsons were on top of the list, too, though. The Flintstones seemed to be modeled after The Honeymooners. Some of these others were good, too. Brought back memories.



Mel Blanc happened to be on Jack Benny yesterday...and I couldn't help but laugh at him "singing along" with Jack playing the violin, poorly :)



Yes, I liked the Looney Tunes (Warner Brothers) cartoons best....and I liked Bullwinkle for the humor with a twist in Fractured Fairy Tales and the Ant and Aardvark (had a Jewish accent). My Slon character (avatar) is based loosely on a cross between the Aardvark and a Muppet :)



Well, time to reel things back toward 3D work...and the Abbey Road project. I was surprised to find a very similar vehicle to the black truck that's across the street from the VW....it's Birdman's Econo Pickup, but the red mats have to all be changed, and there are over 90 mats with nonspecific names, so I'd suggest pouring a cup of coffee before starting that process. Since I already had a VW model, I haven't tried the free VW Beetle. Here's the latest work in progress render....and now it's nap time...so see everyone later :sleep:



Good evening. :)
As far as cartoons go.... Tennessee Tuxedo... Rats. I can't think of the one I'm trying to remember now. The young boy and the dog who was a scientist. Argh.


Looks good Stezza, and I'm sure you did much of the modeling...good job :)

Well, since Dani expressed an interest in holiday stuff, I thought I'd give what every woman would like to have found in her stocking back in the day...her very own Doc Selleck :) He's still nice to admire, and to remember back when our heroes knew how to treat women with respect :) Unfortunately now, not so much....sigh. Anyway, there are two versions of Doc Selleck...one with a slight smile, like for the Magnum character, and the other one has less of a smile, for his western roles. As I was finishing up this project, I realized that we don't have any decent eye colors for Doc...and we sure could use some...at least blue eyes.

I used the Moustache Prop by Adam Thwaites (bottom of page), the Hivewire Cowboy Hat, and Neftis Danyel Hair (because of the hat).

Doc Selleck is zipped in a runtime folder and attached to this email. Enjoy :)



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