Hi everyoneI enjoyed my restful day, and I hope Linda has been able to do the same, despite her broken foot. Surely sorry that happened, and hope that it's not painful.
And...auto correct is usually one of the first things I disable in browsers and text software....so that I don't have to compete with it while attempting to type. I don't do texting at all, so I've not had the issue on a phone. I always figured as long as email and IM was free, why pay to send text messages...Gmail does both nicely
Oh, I wouldn't pay extra for text messaging, believe me! I get unlimited text with Consumer Cellular. I think unlimited calling, now, too. And something like 5GB of data. I've yet to approach even half way to 1GB, though. I use my WiFi when in the house, and don't really use that much data anyway. Having the WiFi really helps, though. Diane uses more. She's always playing games on her phone, or listening to podcasts. Still, mostly it comes via the WiFi, so doesn't use up our data allowance.
I prefer using voice to send text. I don't like trying to type on the tiny, flat, keyboard of a smartphone! I see people doing it with both thumbs. But I'm a touch typist. And that's not possible with a phone. I suppose if I got a Bluetooth keyboard, that would work. But who would carry one of those around with them?
If you want to see some really hilarious auto-correct mishaps, visit DamnYouAutocorrect.com Every time I visit, I hurt from laughing so hard!