That's why I get a little nervous when folks start talking about "improving" Poser. If it's really an improvement, then I'm all for it....but if it turns out to just be an anti-piracy jerk around, without that many actual added features (like some of the stuff that can be done in iClone), then I'd just as soon they leave it alone, than to make a mess of it. Thankfully I've kept older versions along the way, and I'd be glad to go back to using them rather than end up waist deep in one technical hiccup after another. I've seriously thought about going back to DAZ Studio 3, but then I'd miss the Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 capability for crossing over into other 3D programs...and iray....those are the only two reasons that I put up with it. I want it functional as a utility to pass Poser scenes and characters, I reluctantly tolerate it. I have noticed an odd dealing with textures on Nursoda characters when importing Poser scene files, which I don't care for. I'll have to try setting some things up in Studio directly, since your renders appear to not have this problem. I've been searching YouTube for information about importing rigged characters into iClone by way of 3DXChange.....and apparently it has been going on for as far back as iClone 4 or even just started with characters out of Maya and other high end stuff, even Blender. It's just become like a new duck now that it will do Genesis, which is typical thinking of the DAZ-ocentric 3D community. But I'm thinking that maybe I need to review some of those older tutorials that were importing rigged .obj files, especially Blender...since I might learn something from the older methods. What I'd like iClone to do is just the same stuff I'm doing now in Poser....Nursoda comedy, and biblical illustration on the side. I like my toons to learn the fundamentals of an interface and animation technique, then I try it on the more serious subjects, just to see if it will work. Practically speaking, I can't very well sail a boat across a stormy sea plane until I learn to drive a simple car with the animation's the a-b-c's of animation, and I enjoy even the a-b-c's quite a lot
One thing I've always done when I'm freebie hunting is pass up .max files. They're always beautifully done, but I had no way to use them. If I understand it correctly, iClone will take .max files. So I'm thinking, holy cow, do I have a lot of downloading to catch up on...haha. I sound like Dani now
And stuff at BlendSwap that's rigged....if it can load into iClone with rigging So I'll have lots to play with, experiment with, and occasionally if there are successes, I'll post them here in a spirit of dropping bread crumbs, leaving a trail for others who may someday want to follow along.