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Yes Seliah, it can be done that way. Both of these projects were done that way. The dynamic sims were exported as OBJ files, then the OBJ's were imported into the large scenes. I had to "fit" the OBJ to the character, but it was not all that difficult.



Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hi everyone. :ninja: I've been busy working on my Luna outfit, but I've been meaning to pop back in and comment on @Maja cloth sim tutorial. It's a good intro to the cloth room. There is one thing in it though, that I only recently learned myself is not true. You can save cloth sims!
I was JUST going to make the same comment, so glad you've already alerted folks to this goodie. :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Actually, you can save the actual cloth object to your library, dynamic and all. I know, I've done it. back around Poser 7. Now that might have changed, but I'll check and see. Yep, it worked.

I think it can still be done, otherwise vendors wouldn't be able to save dynamic cloth for distribution, would they? Just save it in a .pp2 format, I would think, right?


I save mine in the character folder, but it doesn't really matter. You can save it as a pp2 file and manually change the format if you want to move it to the character folder.

Edit: Actually, I should add that I did use a conforming dress in my instance. It was a 9mbi dress and they've never been able to do sitting poses very well. I used the Cloth Room to make the hip of the dress bend when V4 was sitting and then save it to the library. I also did it fairly recently with a dress I made for Roxie. In that case though I save the dress shape so that it would fit Roxie, Miki, Dawn, Anastasia and a couple of others.
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Sky and Seliah, I learned a medical term Tuesday afternoon that you are probably familiar with.
White Coat Effect.
Man did I have it! Or at least something akin to it. The weird part is that it was actually most likely the coffee I'd had just a little while earlier and some things that I was worried about rather than the tooth cleaning I was about to undergo. Dentists have never bothered me but my BP was 126/93! When I took it just a little while ago with a little wrist unit I got Tuesday afternoon it was 115/69 which is normal for me. That's the sort of reading I'm used to seeing in a doctor's office or the hospital.
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Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Afternoon, Terre. :)

Sky and Seliah, I learned a medical term Tuesday afternoon that you are probably familiar with.
White Coat Effect.
Man did I have it! Or at least something akin to it. The weird part is that it was actually most likely the coffee I'd had just a little while earlier and some things that I was worried about rather than the tooth cleaning I was about to undergo. Dentists have never bothered me but my BP was 126/93! When I took it just a little while ago with a little wrist unit I got Tuesday afternoon it was 115/69 which is normal for me. That's the sort of reading I'm used to seeing in a doctor's office or the hospital.

Yup. I am very familiar with that term.

126/93 is still a pretty good BP, though. Mine was 186/89 the last time I was in the doctor's office - and I usually run around 115/70, if even THAT high. Now, mind you, the last time I was in a doctor's office, I had walking pneumonia (also called "atypical pneumonia") and one of the symptoms of that IS an elevated blood pressure.

But, remember that blood pressure is fluid. Your BP changes throughout the course of the day and night, all day and all night long. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. And things like stress, nervousness, agitation, pain, sleep deprivation, illness, and exercise/physical activity can all affect your numbers. Individuals who are in pain usually have a higher than normal BP. Individuals who are sick will often have either an elevated BP or a low BP depending on the particular illness.

Basically - your blood pressure is not written in stone. It is not a static thing. It fluctuates. It is VERY common for many folks to have a BP reading in a medical setting that is higher than if their BP were to be taken in their home environments. And for some folks, simply leaving their homes is enough to raise their blood pressure. Unfamiliar environments are sometimes all it takes.

Every person is different. Each person responds to situations and stimuli differently, as well. And every person has their own baseline range for blood pressure. Mine is usually so low that they won't allow me to donate blood because they're afraid I'll pass out. LOL. For my BP to be up around 186 is almost unheard of.

So just remember that BP is a fluid thing, and that it changes, and can be affected by a whole host of things. :)


IE: That particular reading may have alarmed me but wasn't that big a deal since later readings at home were normal. OK. Thanks. :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Evening ladies. I take my BP twice a day, and my Cardiologist once told me your BP can change from minute to minute, so when I see something that's a bit higher than I usually see, I wait a minute and take it again, and it's usually lower.


Yep to all the above :) BP can change a lot, depending on the individual...which makes spiking pressure so difficult to catch. I knew of a case that had significantly different readings on the right arm from the left. Turned out it was a diminished flow on one side which required surgical correction to "re-route" things for optimal blood flow...this corrected the problem, and then the readings were the same on both sides. Spiking pressure had been missed in this person on the stronger side, since readings were always were most often taken on the opposite, weaker side.

Increasing fluid intake, staying hydrated, helps to improve BP...and as Seliah said, rest, reduced stress, and diet can improve it also.


Looks like you're having fun, Sky. :)

Evening ladies. I take my BP twice a day, and my Cardiologist once told me your BP can change from minute to minute, so when I see something that's a bit higher than I usually see, I wait a minute and take it again, and it's usually lower.
Then there was the time that a nurse was pumping up the cuff and when she was done said something about it not being right and pumped it some more. The reading she got and was happy with was higher than any I'd seen for me but didn't bother me because I figured that she'd screwed up the reading anyway, When I mentioned it to Jim later he said that. yes, you can't get a true reading doing that sort of thing, You have to let the cuff totally deflate and then start over.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Exactly Terre. I usually pull the cuff off, and squish it until it's totally deflated, before trying again.


Hi everybody,

hope you all are fine. Currently I'm working on some biblical style outfits.

By the way. The morph targets you found out about actually are "frozen" results of pre-calculated cloth simulations. Those indeed are handy for use with the same or very similar poses the sim was calculated for, but not the same as Cloth Simulations inside Cloth Room. To make it almost as flexibel with morph targets as with simulation calculation in cloth room one would have to calculate dynamics for each and every body part of a figure in various poses and save all of those to single morph targets to get the required dials. E.g. one morph target for left shoulder up and down, on morph target for left shoulder backward and forward, and so on .... For entire new scenes it's faster to create new cloth simulations an let Poser calculate the dynamics.

If you already have created one or more cloth sims for a scene in cloth room those are saved with your scene.



Ohhhh Maja....that's beautiful!!!!! Look at what you've done! And I know from experience, that style robe tends to work really well in the cloth room. Wow! I know what my next pose projects will be...yes, yes, yes! I really like working with the Paul figure...can you tell :)