Some great piccies here, especially love the ones with the kittens. I totally have render-envy. The external hard drive with my rutnimes decided to check out. So, until I can pick up a new drive, and decide what I want to do, I'm out of the picture. Right now, I'm not sure if I want to even bother rebuilding runtimes. I do have a "backup" that's over a year out of date...If I'm going to go to all the trouble of setting things up again, though, it might be wiser to start runtimes from scratch because some of them were just getting so large, it was hard to find stuff. However, I don't really relish the thought at starting at square one because I have over a decade's worth of content (and it's a lot of stuff)...
One of the last scenes I rendered with featured the house cat and a little dragon. I'd post it, but I seem to already sent to to the trash bin (I'm trying to clean the main drive, while I wait for the opportunity to get a drive and contemplate things).
Any way, happy rendering, everyone. I may just sit and lurk from this point.