• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Show Us Your HiveWire Big Cat Renders Here!


Hey, Do I Know You?
Hey do I know you.jpg


Contributing Artist
Happy Easter! Hope everyone is watching the 10 Commandments. It's such a beautiful movie!

Miffed Princess - I think someone has some explaining to do!
Miffed Princess.jpg

Products Used: HiveWire Big Cat, Songbird Remix Birds of Prey, Kallisto for Genesis 8 by Mousso, Children of Aten Vol 2, Pharaoh's of the Sun, Dark_Sin outfit arm cuffs, background created in Flowscape


Happy Easter! Hope everyone is watching the 10 Commandments. It's such a beautiful movie!

Miffed Princess - I think someone has some explaining to do!
View attachment 46182
Products Used: HiveWire Big Cat, Songbird Remix Birds of Prey, Kallisto for Genesis 8 by Mousso, Children of Aten Vol 2, Pharaoh's of the Sun, Dark_Sin outfit arm cuffs, background created in Flowscape

I watch it every Easter.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Another Apa cover. I left the title and print off, since you don't care about that.

A scene which I daresay everyone will recognize.

Flink's InstantMeadow3 and his poppies. Many many instances of his poppies. HivewireBigCat-Lion, DAZ dog 8 (French Bulldog morph), Genesis 1, And a couple of kitbashes.


  • Poppies.jpg
    614 KB · Views: 379


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Thank you! G1 is a good platform for kitbshing. The Scarecrow has a G1 base. Although nothing of the actual figure is visible.
The Tin Man is based on Andi3d's version from RDNA. I hid the original torso and head and kit bashed new ones from primitives. The face is from the original model though.