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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


Thanks for the feedback. The scene in question in Level 1 by shawnaloroc (I am a real sucker when it comes to glowing display units) so I take no credit for that. The same can be said for the pilot suit which is from Simon3D (although I did tweak the materials in this case), so it could be just a case of plonking Dawn in the scene and pressing the render button. I think it took me about three hours from start to finish and the biggest part of that trying to use Dawn to the full. For me the big plus in using Dawn is that there are so many morphs available to get the expression just right and I can spend vast amounts of time tweaking the expression dials by the smallest of amounts. Whether I succeed in getting the expression I want is another matter but I do know the expression can add so much to a render. Just raising one eyebrow can change an expression markedly and the difference between a look of rage and one of sexuality or sweetness is only a wheel tweak away where Dawn is concerned.

Close to the expression I think is the hand gestures, a Dawn with a relaxed hand playing with her hair adds to an expression of indecision or nervousness. Which moves on the another plus with Dawn as the hands work so well so Dawn can be shown gripping a rail if one is close or selecting an area on a touch screen. I even love the was Dawn's feet are set up so a figure can be shown with open toe foot ware without the toes either hanging off one side or some being buried in the sole of the shoe.

All of this makes me a 2d chef rather than an artist, I take the ingredients made by others and try and come up with a picture I have in my head. Thankfully there are some great sci-fi scenes that allow me to use a stunning, and flexible, Poser/DS figure to, hopefully, portray an emotion or create one in the viewer. If I fail, who looses, certainly not me, I'm having great fun.

A chef can be an artist too. It's a good metaphor. Chefs combine ingredients with the goal of making things that taste good, and you combine ingredients with the goal of making things of good taste. You're definitely an artist and a good one at that.


A chef can be an artist too. It's a good metaphor. Chefs combine ingredients with the goal of making things that taste good, and you combine ingredients with the goal of making things of good taste. You're definitely an artist and a good one at that.


Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
So... this came out of my working on promos for the DS conversion of Glitterati3D's overalls for Dawn. I like it; I'll probably keep it for the end of the promos as an artistic example. LOL

Dawn's head and body shape is also part of the Morning Soul WIP product, too. This one is Tanya. ;)

Rendered in DS 4.8, 3Delight
Minor postwork in Photoshohp to fix the grainy rendered DOF. (I forgot to set the samples up to my usual 25 for the DOF, so had to smooth it out in postwork, as it was horribly grainy, as always when you render DOF with only 4 samples. Oops! LOL)

View media item 2776
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Around this time for the last few years I have built up a photo book of my renders for the previous year. The reason for being around this time is the print house normally has a massive sale of around 70% and for a few extra pounds you can purchase a voucher at the sale price to be redeemed within three months, although this time around I believe you can extended past the three months (there is an additional cost of course). Three months is normally a little tight but it gives me an incentive to come up with enough decent (at least in my view) renders. Now comes the however, however this year I made a mistake and purchased book of 90 pages instead of the usual 50-60, it was a great price which is why I think I made the error, anyway it just meant I had to work a lot harder to come up with the goods. However, as soon as I started to create the addition renders Poser decided it would add extra excitement by not completing renders, or not even completing the Sub Surface Scattering pass, this made life difficult to say the least and what hair I had was in serious risk. Not long after a mysterious fault that seemed to have disappeared re-appeared and when Poser was playing nicely my computer decided it would switch off without warning, well when it was not blue screening at least. So where is this all leading..well with a few days to spare here is render number 90 (breathes a very deep sigh of relief).

Portrait 2056 HW.jpg


Here's something a little different. It's Dawn + my China Blaze outfit + my Universal Chibi Head. Rendered in Poser with Superfly.

View attachment 22981

A very classic looking character. I like the brightness of the image. It makes you feel her kiai. Is that the chibi morph for your universal anime head or are you making a dedicated chibi head? You seem to be fond of anime so how 'bout some manga.
Manga Cateyes.jpg

Cateyes with the tenacity twin tails (tails hidden). I rendered it with poser's comic book render option. I also colored it for good measure.

Manga CateyesColor.jpg


I fell across this while using the face camera on a wider scene to check the eyes and sort of liked it.

View attachment 22984

Beautiful portrait.

So... this came out of my working on promos for the DS conversion of Glitterati3D's overalls for Dawn. I like it; I'll probably keep it for the end of the promos as an artistic example. LOL

Dawn's head and body shape is also part of the Morning Soul WIP product, too. This one is Tanya. ;)

Rendered in DS 4.8, 3Delight
Minor postwork in Photoshohp to fix the grainy rendered DOF. (I forgot to set the samples up to my usual 25 for the DOF, so had to smooth it out in postwork, as it was horribly grainy, as always when you render DOF with only 4 samples. Oops! LOL)

View media item 2776

Nice conversion and an excellent render.

A render for a Facebook group I'm in, the theme for the week is Relaxing at Home.

Very cute. I love the scene setup. The camera angle and lighting are fantastic. That's also some nice pose work.

Around this time for the last few years I have built up a photo book of my renders for the previous year. The reason for being around this time is the print house normally has a massive sale of around 70% and for a few extra pounds you can purchase a voucher at the sale price to be redeemed within three months, although this time around I believe you can extended past the three months (there is an additional cost of course). Three months is normally a little tight but it gives me an incentive to come up with enough decent (at least in my view) renders. Now comes the however, however this year I made a mistake and purchased book of 90 pages instead of the usual 50-60, it was a great price which is why I think I made the error, anyway it just meant I had to work a lot harder to come up with the goods. However, as soon as I started to create the addition renders Poser decided it would add extra excitement by not completing renders, or not even completing the Sub Surface Scattering pass, this made life difficult to say the least and what hair I had was in serious risk. Not long after a mysterious fault that seemed to have disappeared re-appeared and when Poser was playing nicely my computer decided it would switch off without warning, well when it was not blue screening at least. So where is this all leading..well with a few days to spare here is render number 90 (breathes a very deep sigh of relief).

View attachment 23182

I've got a few extra pounds. I wonder where I can get a voucher. Oh wait, you meant money. You certainly did deliver the goods. That render is cosmic.

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Very cute. I love the scene setup. The camera angle and lighting are fantastic. That's also some nice pose work.

The pose is the free one for Dawn by Skylab on ShareCG. I had to do a little tweaking because Diva is so much smaller than Dawn, but it gave me a good place to start. Skylab has some great free poses for Dusk as well as Dawn.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Cateyes with the tenacity twin tails (tails hidden). I rendered it with poser's comic book render option. I also colored it for good measure.
Nicely done Me. I've only tried the Comic Book render once, and not with such nice results.


Contributing Artist
A very classic looking character. I like the brightness of the image. It makes you feel her kiai. Is that the chibi morph for your universal anime head or are you making a dedicated chibi head? You seem to be fond of anime so how 'bout some manga. Cateyes with the tenacity twin tails (tails hidden). I rendered it with poser's comic book render option. I also colored it for good measure.

Thanks, Me195! The Universal Chibi Head is a new project taking shape, and in a different style. It can also perform special kinds of expressions the UAH cannot do without external props attached. Here are some examples --> ~Chibi Expressions!~

I love how the comic book render caught the small details on CatsEyes face and textures. It's yet another Poser feature many never come to try. ^^