Hear, Hear! Actually we are seeing this played out on the wider cosmos, as well, we see it in movies, in TV, Books as you mentioned, colleges, religion, social media and dare I say politics.I've spent most of my adult life fighting ignorance Satira and I will never stop doing so until I am in my long box and buried. There has always been a herd mentality in all walks of life. That is something much appreciated and seized upon by those small minorities who espouse a philosophy of "do as I say and not as I do!" There is an interesting parallel in the realm of science-fiction literature and the formerly prestigous Hugo Awards which has increasingly come under the sway of a small clique of politically correct influences led by various publishers, self-styled illuminate' and critics who have set the rules (and just as frequently changed them to suit themselves). Up until this year that is when the highest number of 'No Award's' were recorded, (actually more than all the previous years put together!) for the simple reason that the fan base (i.e. you, me and all the other people who actually read the books, etc) whose votes nominate the recipients didn't accord with the select group nominated by the committee and were therefore ignored by that committee with a No Award. My point is that a small group of vociferous control freaks by forcing a 'win' have propelled themselves into the spotlight and become a strangely silent and suddenly unavailable-for-comment group of red-faced retiree's. That's what counts! Not the uninformed detractors, and lets be clear here, the sum total of all the forum users together still only represents a small section of the number of 3D users. That majority are the one's that count because they are the ones who put up good money and make use of what they've paid for. What is important is to hold true and ignore the detractors and do what you love. Producing the products you do so well and make them available to the majority who buy them. The biased opinions of some nameless little twerk no matter how highly they rank themselves, or how high they stand in the industry, are no more than dust in the wind!![]()
It is so disheartening for all these lies to be spread as truth in a forum that SHOULD be celebrating there is any store still producing figures and support for Poser.
Needlessly, after a good start there were attempts by certain characters (who deserve to remain nameless and thereby ignored) to turn it into the stale old Daz versus Poser cliche with a side order of I use V4 because nobody uses Dawn, she's crap, etc. I wonder! If they are as well-informed as they claim to be, why are they unaware that both Vicky and Dawn were created by a certain Mr. Creek (or so I believe and would be happy to stand corrected if I'm wrong), and given the age difference between them that Dawn may take advantage of all the advances in technology and modelling skills made over that period.
I modeled Dawn for sure. I also modeled previous versions of Victoria and Michael. The first originals from V1, V2, and V3, and M1, M2, and M3. After that I had to change focus with DAZ and put my attention to more of the business oversight, and from basically then on all content was created by others at DAZ.
Nothing like Alternative Facts, right?
It is so disheartening for all these lies to be spread as truth in a forum that SHOULD be celebrating there is any store still producing figures and support for Poser.
I've have seen a lot of excellent clothing for Dawn, both conforming and dynamic (my own preference) from venders like our own Lully, Satira Capprichio and others and I would also note others outside the Hive like Tipol, Sshodan, etc who are turning their considerable skills in Dawns direction.
This is Dawn with my Stylized body Type2 + Universal Anime Head. Rendered in poser with Superfly. ^__^
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Thanks to Hivewire I am having more fun with Poser than I was having a few years ago, I have a workable Dawn wardrobe at a fraction of the cost it would have taken for other figures. So I am clearly a Dawn fan, but more than that I am a Hivewire fan. I have found a place where others put an effort into encouraging and helping people not putting them down. A place where you can discuss the strengths and weakness of DS and Poser, and any other software, without the flame wars. More to the point often someone comes a long to suggest a workaround to some of those weaknesses. Hivewire is a place where the artist and the art is important which, unfortunately, seems to be very rare if not unique. I hope it continues and thrives for years to come.
WOW Lyne!! What else can I say. I think you've outdone yourself with this render. Just fabulous!!This was an amazing adventure of an art project for me!THREE "Dawns" and a Dusk in this one! LOL!
No surprise I suppose, but I don't know of Tipol or Sshodan. Are they artists found at Rendo then? I'd like to see there work.
But we are indeed grateful for artists like Lully, Satira and many others here that are willing to create for our HiveWire products.
Wow! That is amazing! Very nicely done.This was an amazing adventure of an art project for me!THREE "Dawns" and a Dusk in this one! LOL!
link to close-up on my large image page...